Tide Predictions for: Seattle, Puget Sound, Washington -- Monday March 31, 2025
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0.8 n.mi. above entrance, Alloway Creek, New Jersey
1 n.mi. above entrance, Mad Horse Creek, New Jersey
2.5 miles above mouth, Little Satilla River, Georgia
2.5 n.mi. above entrance, Alloway Creek, New Jersey
3 miles above A1A highway bridge, Loxahatchee River, Florida
5 miles NE of Point Brazil, Montague Island, Alaska
8 miles above mouth, Little Satilla River, Georgia
A1A highway bridge, Loxahatchee River, Florida
Abbapoola Creek entrance, Stono River, South Carolina
Abbots Meadow, Alloway Creek, New Jersey
Aberdeen, Grays Harbor, Washington
Aberdeen, Scotland
Absecon Channel, State Route 87 bridge, New Jersey
Absecon, Absecon Creek, U.S. Hwy. 30 bridge, New Jersey
Adak Bight, Adak Island, Alaska
Adams Key, south end, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Admiralty Head, Admiralty Inlet, Washington
Adugak Islands, Umnak Island, Alaska
Agnes Cove, Aialik Peninsula, Alaska
Aguadilla, Crashboat Beach, Puerto Rico
Aguchik Island, Kukak Bay, Alaska
Aialik Bay, North end, Alaska
Aialik Sill, Aialik Bay, Alaska
Ailinglapalap Atoll, Marshall Islands
Ailuk Atoll, Marshall Islands
Airy Hall Plantation, Ashepoo River, South Carolina
Akun Bay, Akun Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Akutan Harbor, Akutan Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Ala Spit, Whidbey Island, Washington
Alameda Creek, San Francisco Bay, California
Alameda Naval Air Station, San Francisco Bay, California
Alameda, San Francisco Bay, California
Alameda, San Francisco Bay, California (sub)
Alava Bay, Alaska
Albany, Hudson River, New York
Albatross Anchorage, Balboa Bay, Alaska
Albergottie Creek, Rt. 21 bridge, Beaufort River, South Carolina
Alcan Harbor, Shemya Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay, California
Aleck Bay, Lopez Island, Washington
Alert, Nunavut
Alexandria, Potomac River, Virginia
Allanton, East Bay, St. Andrew Bay, Florida
Allied Chemical Corp. docks, Turtle River, Georgia
Alligator Bayou, St. Andrew Bay, Florida
Alligator Point, St. James Island, Apalachee Bay, Florida
Alligator Point, West Bay, Texas
Alligator Reef, Hawk Channel, Florida
Allston Creek, Murrells Inlet, South Carolina
Allyn, Case Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
Alpine, Hudson River, New Jersey
Alte Weser, Leuchtturm, Germany
Amak Island, Bristol Bay, Alaska
Amelia City, South Amelia River, Florida
Amelia Earhart Dam, Mystic River, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts
American Bay, Kaigani Strait, Alaska
Amityville, Great South Bay, New York
Amrum Odde, Germany
Amrum, Hafen (Wittd?nn), Germany
Amtrak RR. swing bridge, Hackensack River, New Jersey
Amukta Island, north side, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Anacortes, Guemes Channel, Washington
Anchor Point, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Anchor Point, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Anchorage, Knik Arm, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Anclote Key, southern end, Florida
Anclote, Anclote River, Florida
Anderson Bay, Unalaska Island, Alaska
Andreon Bay, Shuyak Island, Alaska
Andrew Bay, Adak Island, Alaska
Andrews Avenue bridge, New River, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Androscoggin River entrance, Kennebec River, Maine
Angel Island (west side), San Francisco Bay, California
Angel Island, East Garrison, San Francisco Bay, California
Anguilla Island, Gulf of Esquibel, Alaska
Ankona, Indian River, Florida
Anna Maria Key, Bradenton Beach, Florida
Anna Maria Key, city pier, Florida
Annapolis (US Naval Academy), Severn River, Maryland
Annapolis (US Naval Academy), Severn River, Maryland (sub)
Annette Key, north end, Big Spanish Channel, Florida
Annisquam, Lobster Cove, Massachusetts
Ano Nuevo Island, California
Anthony Point, Sakonnet River, Rhode Island
Antioch, San Joaquin River, California
Apalachicola River (A&N RR bridge), Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Apalachicola, Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Ape Hole Creek, Pocomoke Sound, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Apokak Creek entrance, Alaska
Apoon Mouth, Yukon River, Norton Sound, Alaska
Applegate Cove, Chuginadak Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Applegate Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Apra Harbor, Guam
Aquia Creek, Potomac River, Virginia
Arcadia, Totten Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
Arcata Wharf, Humboldt Bay, California
Arena Cove, Pacific Ocean, California
Argentia, Newfoundland
Aripeka, Hammock Creek, Florida
Arletta, Hale Passage, Puget Sound, Washington
Armitage Island, Thatcher Pass, Washington
Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands
Arroyo, Puerto Rico
Artificial Island, Salem Nuclear Plant, Delaware River, New Jersey
Arundel Plantation, Great Pee Dee River, South Carolina
Ashepoo, Ashepoo River, South Carolina
Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff, ICWW, Ashepoo River, South Carolina
Assateague Beach, Toms Cove, Virginia
Assiscunk Creek, Route 130 bridge, New Jersey
Astoria (Port Docks), Oregon
Astoria (Youngs Bay), Oregon
Atka Pass, east end, Atka Island, Alaska
Atka, Nazan Bay, Alaska
Atlantic Beach Bridge, North Carolina
Atlantic Beach, Florida
Atlantic Beach, North Carolina
Atlantic City, Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey
Atlantic Heights, Piscataqua River, New Hampshire
Atlantic Highlands, Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey
Attu, Massacre Bay, Alaska
Auburn, Oldmans Creek, Delaware River, New Jersey
Auke Bay, Alaska
Avalon, Dogwood Harbor, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, California
Avonmouth, England
Ayock Point, Washington
B?sum, Germany
Babylon, Great South Bay, New York
Back Cove, Casco Bay, Maine
Back Creek entrance, Nantuxent Cove, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Back River Reservoir, West Branch, Cooper River, South Carolina
Back River, Sheepscot River, Maine
Bacon Bridge, Ashley River, South Carolina
Bahia Honda Key, Bahia Honda Channel, Florida
Bahia Mar Yacht Club, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Bailey Cut, 0.8 mile west of, Satilla River, Georgia
Baileys Landing, Okatee River, Colleton River, South Carolina
Bakers Haulover Inlet (inside), Florida
Balboa Pier, Newport Beach, California
Bald Head, Cape Fear River, North Carolina
Bald Point, Ochlockonee Bay, Apalachee Bay, Florida
Ballast Point, Florida
Baltimore (Fort McHenry), Maryland
Baltrum, Westende, Germany
Bamfield, British Columbia
Bandon, Coquille River, Oregon
Bangor Wharf, Washington
Bangor Wharf, Washington (sub)
Bangor, Northern Ireland
Bangor, Penobscot River, Maine
Bangor, Penobscot River, Maine (sub)
Bannermans Branch, Northeast River, Cape Fear River, North Carolina
Bar at entrance, Yaquina Bay and River, Oregon
Bar Harbor, Frenchman Bay, Maine
Bar Pilot Dock, St. Johns River, Florida
Baranof, Warm Spring Bay, Alaska
Barataria Pass, Louisiana
Barbour Island, Barbour Island River, Georgia
Barbours Cut, Morgans Point, Galveston Bay, Texas
Barbours Cut, Morgans Point, Galveston Bay, Texas (sub)
Barlow Cove, Mansfield Peninsula, Lynn Canal, Alaska
Barmouth, Wales
Barnegat Inlet, USCG Station, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Barnegat Pier, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Barnstable Harbor, Beach Point, Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
Barren Island, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Barren Island, Dixon Entrance, Alaska
Barren Island, Rockaway Inlet, Jamaica Bay, New York
Barron Point, Little Snookum Inlet Entrance, Puget Sound, Washington
Bartlett Cove, Glacier Bay, Alaska
Barview, Tillamook Bay, Oregon
Bass Harbor, Mount Desert Island, Maine
Bastian Island, Louisiana
Bath, Kennebec River, Maine
Bath, Netherlands
Batiscan, Qu?bec
Battery Creek, 4 mi. above entrance, Beaufort River, South Carolina
Bay Aristocrat Village, Old Tampa Bay, Florida
Bay Center, Palix River, Willapa Bay, Washington
Bay City, South Bay, Grays Harbor, Washington
Bay City, Tillamook Bay, Oregon
Bay Gardene, Louisiana
Bay of Waterfalls, Adak Island, Alaska
Bay Point, Blackwater River, Pensacola Bay, Florida
Bay Shore, Watchogue Creek Entrance, Great South Bay, New York
Bay Slough, east end, San Francisco Bay, California
Bay Slough, west end, San Francisco Bay, California
Bay Spring, Bullock Cove, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Bay Waveland Yacht Club, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi
Bay Waveland Yacht Club, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi (sub)
Bayou BonFouca, Route 433, Louisiana
Bayou La Batre, Mississippi Sound, Alabama
Bayou Rigaud, Grand Isle, Barataria Bay, Louisiana
Bayport, Florida
Bayport, Rappahannock River, Virginia
Bayville Bridge, Oyster Bay, New York
Bayville, Lynnhaven Bay, Virginia
Beach Channel (bridge), Jamaica Bay, New York
Beach Creek ent., Cumberland Island, Georgia
Beach Hammock, Georgia
Beach Haven Coast Guard Station, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Beach Haven Crest, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Bear Bay, Alaska
Bear Cove, Aialik Peninsula, Alaska
Bear Cove, Kachemak Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Bear River Entrance, Georgia
Bear River, (Range 'A' Light), Georgia
Beaufort Inlet Channel Range, North Carolina
Beaufort, Beaufort River, South Carolina
Beaufort, Taylor Creek, North Carolina
Beauty Bay, Nuka Bay, Alaska
Beaver Bay, Alaska
Beaverdam Creek entrance, Metedeconk River, New Jersey
Beaverdam Creek, inside, Metedeconk River, New Jersey
Beavertail Point, Conanicut Island, Rhode Island
Becancour, Qu?bec
Bechers Bay, Santa Rosa Island, California
Bechevin Bay, Atka Island, Alaska
Beck Island, Keku Strait, Alaska
Bedford Institute, Nova Scotia
Beesleys Point, Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey
Belfast, Belfast River, Georgia
Belfast, Penobscot Bay, Maine
Bell Arm, Bell Island, Alaska
Bella Bella, British Columbia
Belledune, New Brunswick
Belleville, Mobjack Bay, Virginia
Belleville, Passaic River, New Jersey
Bellevue, Potomac River, Washington, D.C.
Bellingham, Bellingham Bay, Washington
Bellmore, Bellmore Creek, Hempstead Bay, New York
Bellville Point, Sapelo River, Georgia
Belmar, Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey
Below Spring Bluff, Little Satilla River, Georgia
Ben Sawyer Bridge, ICWW, South Carolina
Benedict, Patuxent River, Maryland
Benicia, California
Benner Bay, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
Bennet's Dock, Pawleys Island Creek, South Carolina
Bergen Point West Reach, Kill Van Kull, New York
Bergse Diepsluis west, Netherlands
Berkeley, San Francisco Bay, California
Bethel, Alaska
Biddeford, Saco River, Maine
Bidwell Creek entrance, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Bidwell Creek, Route 47 bridge, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Big Bay, Shuyak Island, Alaska
Big Coppitt Key, northeast side, Waltz Key Basin, Florida
Big Paradise Island, Wando River, South Carolina
Big Pine Key, Bogie Channel Bridge, Florida
Big Pine Key, Coupon Bight, Florida
Big Pine Key, Doctors Arm, Bogie Channel, Florida
Big Pine Key, Newfound Harbor Channel, Florida
Big Pine Key, north end, Florida
Big Pine Key, northeast shore, Florida
Big Pine Key, Pine Channel Bridge, north side, Florida
Big Pine Key, Pine Channel Bridge, south side, Florida
Big Pine Key, Spanish Harbor, Florida
Big Pine Key, west side, Pine Channel, Florida
Big Spanish Key, Florida
Big Torch Key, Harbor Channel, Florida
Big Torch Key, Niles Channel, Florida
Bikar (Dawson) Atoll, Marshall Islands
Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands
Billingsport, New Jersey
Billys Point, south of, Elliott Key, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Biloxi (Cadet Point), Biloxi Bay, Mississippi
Biloxi, Biloxi Bay, Mississippi
Biltmore Shores, South Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York
Bings Landing, Matanzas River, Florida
Birch Islands, Cobscook Bay, Maine
Bird Key, Similar Sound, Florida
Biscayne Creek, ICWW, Florida
Bishop Cut, Disappointment Slough, San Joaquin River, California
Bishops Head, Hooper Strait, Maryland
Bishops Head, Hooper Strait, Maryland (sub)
Bivalve, Maurice River, New Jersey
Black Creek, S.C.L. RR. bridge, Florida
Black River (south of Dunbar), Great Pee Dee River, South Carolina
Black Rock, Walrus Islands, Nushagak Bay, Alaska
Black, Black River, Bering Sea, Alaska
Blackbeard Creek, Blackbeard Island, Georgia
Blackbeard Island, Georgia
Blackslough Landing, San Joaquin River, California
Bladensburg, Anacostia River, Maryland
Blaine, Semiahmoo Bay, Strait of Georgia, Washington
Blake Island, Bradfield Canal, Alaska
Blakes Landing, Tomales Bay, California
Blauort, Germany
Blessing Plantation, East Branch, Cooper River, South Carolina
Block Island (Old Harbor), Rhode Island
Block Island (SW end), Block Island Sound, Rhode Island
Block Island (SW end), Block Island Sound, Rhode Island (sub)
Bloody Point, Daufuskie Island, New River, South Carolina
Blount Island Bridge, Florida
Blue Hill Harbor, Blue Hill Bay, Maine
Bluff Islands, Ashepoo River, South Carolina
Bluff Plantation, Combahee River, South Carolina
Bluff Point, Wadmalaw River, South Carolina
Bluffton, May River, South Carolina
Boca Chica Channel Bridge, Florida
Boca Chica Key, Long Point, Florida
Boca Chica Key, Southwest end, Florida
Boca Chica Marina, Florida
Boca Chita Key, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Boca de Quadra, Revillagigedo Channel, Alaska
Boca Raton, Lake Boca Raton, Florida
Bodega Harbor entrance, California
Boggy Creek, 2 mi. above entrance, Nassau River, Florida
Bogoslof Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Bogue Inlet, North Carolina
Bolinas Lagoon, California
Bon Secour, Bon Secour River, Alabama
Bonneau Ferry, East Branch, Cooper River, South Carolina
Boot Bay, Adak Island, Alaska
Boot Key Harbor bridge, Boot Key, Florida
Boothbay Harbor, Maine
Borden Highway Bridge, Middle River, San Joaquin River, California
Borden Highway Bridge, Old River, San Joaquin River, California
Borden Highway Bridge, San Joaquin River, San Joaquin River, California
Borkum, Fischerbalje, Germany
Boston Light, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts
Boston, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts
Boulders Island, New Chehaw River, Combahee River, South Carolina
Bournemouth, England
Bowdoinham, Cathance River, Kennebec River, Maine
Boy Scout Dock, Loxahatchee River, Florida
Boynton Beach, Lake Worth, Florida
Braddock Point, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Bradenton, Manatee River, Florida
Bradley Point, Bradley River, Georgia
Brake, Germany
Brandywine Shoal Light, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Brandywine Shoal Light, Delaware Bay, New Jersey (sub)
Branford, Branford River, Connecticut
Brant Rock, Green Harbor River, Massachusetts
Brazos Drawbridge, Napa River, California
Breach Inlet, Isle of Palms, South Carolina
Bremen, Oslebshausen, Germany
Bremerhaven, Alter Leuchtturm, Germany
Bremerton, Sinclair Inlet, Port Orchard, Puget Sound, Washington
Breton Islands, Louisiana
Brewer Point, Severn River, Maryland
Briars Creek ent., Wimbee Creek, Bull River, Coosaw River, South Carolina
Brickyard Ferry, swing bridge, Ashepoo River, South Carolina
Brickyard Point, Brickyard Creek, Coosaw River, South Carolina
Bridesburg, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Bridgeboro, Rancocas Creek, New Jersey
Bridgeport Harbor, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Bridgeport, Raccoon Creek, New Jersey
Brielle, Route 35 bridge, Manasquan River, New Jersey
Brigantine Channel @ Hoffman Thorofare, New Jersey
Brighton, Nehalem River, Oregon
Bristol Ferry, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Bristol Highlands, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Bristol, Bristol Harbor, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Broad Bay Canal, Lynnhaven Bay, Virginia
Broad Creek, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Brokdorf, Germany
Brookings, Chetco Cove, Oregon
Brooklyn Bridge, East River, New York
Broomes Island, Patuxent River, Maryland
Broughton Point, Hazzard Creek, Broad River, South Carolina
Brouwershavensche Gat 8, Netherlands
Brown Cove, Frederick Sound, Alaska
Brown Cove, Lynnhaven Bay, Virginia
Brown Island, South Santee River, South Carolina
Browns Bay, Mobjack Bay, Virginia
Brownsville, Port Orchard, Puget Sound, Washington
Brunsb?ttel, Germany
Brunswick, Androscoggin River, Kennebec River, Maine
Brunswick, East River, Georgia
Buchanan Creek entrance, Lynnhaven Bay, Virginia
Buck Hall, Awendaw Creek, Bulls Bay, South Carolina
Bucksport, Humboldt Bay, California
Bucksport, Penobscot River, Maine
Bucksport, Waccamaw River, South Carolina
Budd Inlet, Olympia Shoal, Puget Sound, Washington
Buffalo Bluff, St. Johns River, Florida
Buffalo Bluff, St. Johns River, Florida (sub)
Buffalo River entrance, Turtle River, Georgia
Bugle Point, Great Sitkin Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Bull Creek entrance, Waccamaw River, South Carolina
Bull Creek, Bull Island South, Cooper River, South Carolina
Bull Island North, May River, South Carolina
Burlington, Delaware River, New Jersey
Burlington, Delaware River, New Jersey (sub)
Burns Point, Totten Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
Burnt Coat Harbor, Swans Island, Maine
Burnt Fort, Satilla River, Georgia
Burnt Island, Georges Islands, Maine
Burroughs Bay, Alaska
Burrows Bay (Allan Island), Washington
Burton, Quartermaster Hbr. (inside), Vashon I., Puget Sound, Washington
Burwell Bay, James River, Virginia
Bush Point, Whidbey Island, Admiralty Inlet, Washington
Bushy Island, Snow Passage, Alaska
Butterworth Island, Duncan Canal, Alaska
Cabrillo Beach, California
Cadzand, Netherlands
Caillou Boca, Louisiana
Cainhoy, Wando River, South Carolina
Calaveras Point, west of, San Francisco Bay, California
Calcasieu Pass, East Jetty, Louisiana
Calcasieu Pass, Lighthouse wharf, Louisiana
Calibogue Cay, Broad Creek, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Callawassie Creek, Colleton River, South Carolina
Callawassie Island Bridge, Colleton River, South Carolina
Callawassie Island, south, Colleton River, South Carolina
Cambridge, Choptank River, Maryland
Cambridge, Choptank River, Maryland (sub)
Caminada Pass (bridge), Louisiana
Camp Cove, Aialik Bay, Alaska
Camp Ellis, Saco River Entrance, Maine
Campbell River, British Columbia
Canaday Landing, south of, Edisto River, South Edisto River, South Carolina
Canarsie, Jamaica Bay, New York
Canaveral Harbor Entrance, Florida
Cane Patch Creek entrance, Georgia
Cannery Cove, Pybus Bay, Frederick Sound, Alaska
Canoe Bay, Pavlof Bay, Alaska
Canoe Cove, North Pass, Lisianski Strait and Inlet, Alaska
Canova Beach, Florida
Canton, Stow Creek, Delaware River, New Jersey
Cap-a-la-Roche, Qu?bec
Cape Bingham, Cross Sound, Alaska
Cape Canaveral, Florida
Cape Chacon, Dixon Entrance, Alaska
Cape Charles Harbor, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Cape Chlanak, Kanaga Island, Alaska
Cape Chunu, Kanaga Island, Alaska
Cape Cod Canal, Bourne Bridge, Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
Cape Cod Canal, Bournedale, Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
Cape Cod Canal, east entrance, Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
Cape Cod Canal, RR. bridge, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Cape Cod Canal, RR. bridge, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts (sub)
Cape Cod Canal, Sagamore, Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
Cape Coral Bridge, Caloosahatchee River, Florida
Cape Fear, North Carolina
Cape Flores, Ulloa Channel, Alaska
Cape Fox, Dixon Entrance, Alaska
Cape Hatteras (fishing pier), North Carolina
Cape Hatteras, North Carolina
Cape Henry, Virginia
Cape Island Creek, Cape May, New Jersey
Cape Lookout (ocean), North Carolina
Cape Lookout Bight, North Carolina
Cape May Canal, Cape May, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Cape May Harbor, Cape May Inlet, New Jersey
Cape May Point, Sunset Beach, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Cape May, Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey
Cape May, ferry terminal, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Cape Mordvinof, Unimak Island, Alaska
Cape Neddick, Maine
Cape Ninilchik, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Cape Ommaney, Baranof Island, Alaska
Cape Porpoise, Maine
Cape Romain, 46 miles east of, South Carolina
Cape Romain, South Carolina
Cape Romano, Florida
Cape Romanzof, Bering Sea, Alaska
Cape Sable, East Cape, Florida
Cape Sagak, Umnak Island, Alaska
Cape Sarichef, Unimak Island, Alaska
Cape Spencer, Cross Sound, Alaska
Cape Utalug (4 miles west of), Atka Island, Alaska
Capers Creek, Cowen Creek, St. Helena Island, Beaufort River, South Carolina
Capers Creek, South Capers Island, South Carolina
Capers Creek, South Capers Island, South Carolina (sub)
Capers Island, Trenchards Inlet, South Carolina
Captain Alex's Marina, Parsonage Creek, Murrells Inlet, South Carolina
Captiva Island (outside), Florida
Captiva Island, Pine Island Sound, Florida
Card Sound, western side, Florida
Carlos Point, Estero Bay, Florida
Carlstadt, Garretts Reach, Hackensack River, New Jersey
Carmel Cove, Carmel Bay, California
Carolyn Island, Golovnin Bay, Norton Sound, Alaska
Carr Creek, 1 mile above entrance, Great Pee Dee River, South Carolina
Carrabelle, Carrabelle River, St. George Sound, Florida
Carry Inlet, Shuyak Island, Alaska
Carter Spit, Alaska
Carteret, Arthur Kill, New Jersey
Carters Dock, Big Bay Creek, South Edisto River, South Carolina
Carysfort Reef, Florida
Casino Creek, ICWW, South Carolina
Castine, Penobscot Bay, Maine
Castle Bay, Northwest Arm, Alaska
Castle Hayne, Northeast River, Cape Fear River, North Carolina
Castle Hill, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Castle Islands, Duncan Canal, Alaska
Castleton, Hudson River, New York
Cat Island, Mississippi
Cat Point, Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Catalina Harbor, Santa Catalina Island, California
Cathlamet, Washington
Cedar Beach, Long Island, New York
Cedar Creek entrance, Nantuxent Cove, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Cedar Creek, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Cedar Heights, Broward River, Florida
Cedar Island Point, South Santee River, South Carolina
Cedar Island, North Santee Bay, South Carolina
Cedar Key, Gulf Of Mexico, Florida
Cedar Run, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Cedar Swamp Creek, Tuckahoe River, Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey
Cedar Tree Neck, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
Cemetery Point, Kagalaska Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Center Harbor, Eggemoggin Reach, Maine
Centreville Landing, Corsica River, Chester River, Maryland
Ceylon, Satilla River, Georgia
Champney Island, South Altamaha River, Georgia
Chance Cove (Lagoon), Alaska
Chance, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Chandeleur Light, Louisiana
Chankliut Island, Alaska
Channel entrance, St. Andrew Bay, Florida
Channel Five, east side, Hawk Channel, Florida
Channel Five, west side, Hawk Channel, Florida
Channel Key, west side, Florida
Channel Marker Lt. 59, North Carolina
Channel Two, east, Lower Matecumbe Key, Fla. Bay, Florida
Channel Two, west side, Hawk Channel, Florida
Chappaquoit Point, West Falmouth Harbor, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Charleston, Cooper River Entrance, South Carolina
Charleston, Coos Bay, Oregon
Charlestown, Charles River entrance, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts
Charlestown, Northeast River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Chassahowitzka, Chassahowitzka River, Florida
Chassahowitzka, Chassahowitzka River, Florida (sub)
Chatham Harbor, Aunt Lydias Cove, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Chatham River entrance, Florida
Chatham, Stage Harbor, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Cheatham Annex, York River, Virginia
Chechessee Bluff, Chechessee River, South Carolina
Cheesequake Creek, Garden State Parkway, New Jersey
Chef Menteur, Chef Menteur Pass, Louisiana
Chelsea St. Bridge, Chelsea River, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts
Chelsea, Arthur Kill, New Jersey
Chenega Island, Dangerous Passage, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Chenega Island, southwest end, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Chernofski Harbor, Unalaska Island, Alaska
Cherry Grove (inside), South Carolina
Cherry Island, Beckwiths Creek, Little Choptank River, Maryland
Cherry Point, Strait of Georgia, Washington
Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, Virginia
Chesapeake Beach, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Chesapeake City, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Maryland
Chesapeake City, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Maryland (sub)
Chesconessex Creek, Schooner Bay, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Chester, Bells River, Florida
Chester, James River, Virginia
Chestertown, Chester River, Maryland
Chevron Oil Company Pier, Richmond, San Francisco Bay, California
Chevron Oil Company Pier, Richmond, San Francisco Bay, California (sub)
Chiachi Island (east side), Alaska
Chichagof Harbor, Attu Island, Alaska
Chignik, Anchorage Bay, Alaska
Chilkat Inlet, Lynn Canal, Alaska
Chincoteague Channel (south end), Chincoteague Bay, Virginia
Chincoteague Channel (south end), Chincoteague Bay, Virginia (sub)
Chincoteague Island, Blake Cove, Virginia
Chincoteague Island, Lewis Creek, Virginia
Chincoteague Island, Oyster Bay, Virginia
Chincoteague Island, USCG Station, Virginia
Chinook, Baker Bay, Washington
Chirikof Island, Alaska
Chokoloskee, Florida
Chowiet Island, Semidi Island, Alaska
Christiansted Harbor, St Croix, Virgin Islands
Christiansted Harbor, St Croix, Virgin Islands (sub)
Christmas Bay, Texas
Christmas Point, Elliott Key, Florida
Chuckanut Bay, Bellingham Bay, Washington
Church Creek bridge, Wadmalaw River, South Carolina
Church Flats, Stono River, South Carolina
Church Point, Jamestown Island, James River, Virginia
Churchill, Manitoba
Chuuk, Moen Island, E. Caroline Islands, F.S.M.
Chuuk, Moen Island, E. Caroline Islands, F.S.M. (sub)
Claiborne, Eastern Bay, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Clam Bay, Rich Passage, Puget Sound, Washington
Clam Lagoon, Kuluk Bay, Adak Island, Alaska
Clambank Creek, Goat Island, North Inlet, South Carolina
Clapboard Creek, Pelotes Island, Florida
Claremont, James River, Virginia
Clarks Point, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Clarks Point, Nushagak Bay, Alaska
Clarksburg, Sacramento River, California
Clear Lake, Galveston Bay, Texas
Clear Lake, Galveston Bay, Texas (sub)
Clearwater Beach, Gulf Of Mexico, Florida
Clearwater, Florida
Cleveland Passage, Whitney Island, Frederick Sound, Alaska
Cliff Island, Luckse Sound, Casco Bay, Maine
Cliffs Point, Chester River, Maryland
Cliffs Wharf, Chester River, Maryland
Clifton Beach, Smith Point, Potomac River, Maryland
Clouter Creek, north entrance, Cooper River, South Carolina
Clouter Creek, south entrance, Cooper River, South Carolina
Club Bridge Creek ent., Trenchards Inlet, South Carolina
Coast Guard sector, Mobile, Alabama
Coast Guard Station, South Padre Island, Texas
Coates Point, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Cocoa Beach, Florida
Cocoanut Key, Florida Bay, Florida
Cocodrie, Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana
Cocohatchee River, U.S. 41 bridge, Florida
Coconut Point, Estero Bay, Florida
Coffee Bluff, Forest River, Georgia
Coffins Point, Cobscook Bay, Maine
Cohasset Harbor (White Head), Massachusetts
Colburn Creek, Big Annemessex River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Cold Bay, Alaska
Cold Spring Harbor, Oyster Bay, New York
College Pt, Ft. of 110th Street, Long Island, New York
College Pt, Ft. of 110th Street, Long Island, New York (sub)
Colleton River Entrance, South Carolina
Collinsville, Sacramento River, California
Colonial Beach, Potomac River, Virginia
Colonial Beach, Potomac River, Virginia (sub)
Colton Point, Potomac River, Maryland
Columbia River entrance (N. Jetty), Washington
Comfort Cove, Port Gravina, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Comfort Island, Louisiana
Composite Island, Glacier Bay, Alaska
Conanicut Point, Conanicut Island, Rhode Island
Conch Bar, Jupiter Sound, Florida
Conch Key, eastern end, Florida
Coney Island, New York
Conimicut Light, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Constable Hook, Kill Van Kull, New York
Constable Hook, Kill Van Kull, New York (sub)
Constantine Harbor, Amchitka Island, Rat Islands, Alaska
Content Keys, Content Passage, Florida
Convenient Cove, Hassler Island, Alaska
Conway, RR. bridge, Waccamaw River, South Carolina
Cook Landing Cemetery, New River, South Carolina
Coon Island, George Inlet, Revillagigedo Channel, Alaska
Coon Key, Florida
Coon Point, Elliott Key, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Coopers Creek bridge, Alloway Creek, New Jersey
Coos Bay, Oregon
Copano Bay State Fishing Pier, Texas
Copper Harbor, Hetta Inlet, Alaska
Coral Bay, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina
Coral Shoal, Biscayne Channel, Florida
Cordova, Orca Inlet, Prince William Sd, Alaska
Core Creek Bridge, North Carolina
Corkscrew Slough, San Francisco Bay, California
Cormorant Point, Key Largo, Card Sound, Florida
Cornet Bay, Deception Pass, Washington
Cornfield Creek, Magothy River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Cornfield Harbor, Potomac River, Maryland
Corning Landing, Whale Branch, Broad River, South Carolina
Cornwells Heights, Pennsylvania
Coronation Island, Alaska
Corpus Christi Naval Air Station, Texas
Corpus Christi, Gulf Of Mexico, Texas
Corte Madera Creek, San Francisco Bay, California
Cortez, Sarasota Bay, Florida
Cos Cob Harbor, Connecticut
Cosgrove Bridge, Ashley River, South Carolina
Cosmopolis, Chehalis River, Grays Harbor, Washington
Cosmos Point, Frederick Sound, Alaska
Cote Blanche Island, West Cote Blanche Bay, Louisiana
Cotuit Highlands, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts
Coupeville, Penn Cove, Whidbey Island, Washington
Cove Point, Berner's Bay, Lynn Canal, Alaska
Cove Point, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Cow Island, Casco Bay, Maine
Cow Key Channel, Florida
Cowen Creek, Rt. 21 bridge, Beaufort River, South Carolina
Coyote Creek, Alviso Slough, San Francisco Bay, California
Coyote Creek, Alviso Slough, San Francisco Bay, California (sub)
Coyote Creek, Tributary no.1, San Francisco Bay, California
Coyote Hills Slough entrance, San Francisco Bay, California
Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California
Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California (sub)
Crab Haul Creek, Oyster Landing, South Carolina
Craig, Bucareli Bay, Alaska
Cramers Boatyard, Mullica River, New Jersey
Crandall, St. Marys River, Florida
Crane Keys, north side, Florida Bay, Florida
Craney Island Light, Elizabeth River, Virginia
Cranz, Germany
Crater Bay, Harris Bay, Alaska
Crawl Key, Big Spanish Channel, Florida
Creighton Narrows Entrance, Crescent River, Georgia
Crescent Bay, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
Crescent Beach, Matanzas River, Florida
Crescent City, California
Crescent Harbor, N. Whidbey Island, Washington
Crisfield, Little Annemessex River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Crispen Island, Turtle River, Georgia
Crockett, California
Cromer, England
Crooked River, Cumberland Dividings, Georgia
Cross Island (Dinkum Sands), Alaska
Cross River entrance, Sheepscot River, Maine
Crow Point, Hingham Harbor entrance, Massachusetts
Crown Point, Mission Bay, California
Crumpton, Chester River, Maryland
Crumpton, Chester River, Maryland (sub)
Cruz Pass, San Fernando Island, Bucareli Bay, Alaska
Crystal River, Kings Bay, Florida
Crystal River, Kings Bay, Florida (sub)
CSX Rockport, Mckay Bay Entrance, Florida
CSX Rockport, Mckay Bay Entrance, Florida (sub)
Cuba Island, Hempstead Bay, New York
Cuckolds Creek, Combahee River, South Carolina
Cudjoe Key, Cudjoe Bay, Florida
Cudjoe Key, north end, Kemp Channel, Florida
Cudjoe Key, Pirates Cove, Florida
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Culebrita, Isla, Puerto Rico
Culross Bay, Wells Passage, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Cumberland Wharf, Cumberland River, Georgia
Cumberland, Sampit River, South Carolina
Cundy Harbor, New Meadows River, Casco Bay, Maine
Cuno, Lofton Creek, Nassau River, Florida
Cushing Island, Casco Bay, Maine
Cut 1N front range, St. Marys River, Florida
Cut 2N front range, St. Marys River, Florida
Cutler Naval Base, Machias Bay, Maine
Cutler Naval Base, Machias Bay, Maine (sub)
Cutler, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Cutler, Little River, Maine
Cuttyhunk, Massachusetts
Cuxhaven, Steubenh?ft, Germany
Cuyler Harbor, San Miguel Island, California
Cypremort Point, Louisiana
Cyrus Cove, Sea Otter Sound, Davidson Inlet, Alaska
Dageb?ll, Germany
Dahlgren, Upper Machodoc Creek, Potomac River, Virginia
Dallas Bluff, Julienton River, Georgia
Damariscove Harbor, Damariscove Island, Maine
Dame Point, St. Johns River, Florida
Dame Point, St. Johns River, Florida (sub)
Damons Point, North River, Massachusetts
Darien, Darien River, Georgia
Daufuskie Landing, Daufuskie Island, New River, South Carolina
Dauphin Island Hydro, Alabama
Dauphin Island, Mobile Bay, Alabama
Davis Island, Hillsborough Bay, Florida
Davis River entrance, Alaska
Davis Slough, North Carolina
Davis Slough, San Joaquin River, California
Dawho Bridge, Dawho River, North Edisto River, South Carolina
Dawho River, South Edisto River, South Carolina
Day Harbor, Alaska
Daytona Beach (Ocean), Florida
Daytona Beach Shores, Sunglow Pier, Florida
Deception Pass St. Park, Bowman Bay, Fidalgo I., Washington
Deep Creek Entrance, Elizabeth River, Virginia
Deep Creek Meadow, Hempstead Bay, New York
Deep Landing, Swan Creek, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Deep Neck Point, Broad Creek, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Deer Island (south end), Boston Harbor, Massachusetts
Deerfield Beach, Hillsboro River, Florida
Deichsiel, Germany
Delaware City Branch Channel bridge, Delaware River, Delaware
Delaware City, Delaware River, Delaware
Delaware City, Delaware River, Delaware (sub)
Delfzijl, Netherlands
Delray Beach, ICWW, Florida
Democrat Point, Fire Island Inlet, Long Island, New York
Den Helder, Netherlands
Den Oever, Netherlands
Dennis Creek, 2.5 n.mi. above entrance, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Dennis Creek, Route 47 bridge, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Dennisport, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts
Dent Point, Stepovak Bay, Alaska
Depoe Bay, Oregon
Depoe Bay, Oregon (sub)
Des Moines, East Passage, Puget Sound, Washington
Destruction Island, Washington
Devils Head, Drayton Passage, Puget Sound, Washington
Devonport, England
Dewey Anchorage, Etolin Island, Alaska
Diamond Point, Bucareli Bay, Alaska
Dias Creek, Route 47 bridge, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Dillard Creek, Turtle River, Georgia
Dinner Key Marina, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Dinner Point Creek, upper end, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Distant Island Creek, upper end, Cowen Creek, Beaufort River, South Carolina
Distant Island, Cowen Creek, Beaufort River, South Carolina
Diver Islands, Meares Passage, Alaska
Divide Head, Cholmondeley Sound, Alaska
Dividing Creek entrance, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Divine's Dock, Murrells Inlet, South Carolina
Dixie Bay, Salt River, Crystal Bay, Florida
Dixie Bay, Salt River, Crystal Bay, Florida (sub)
Dixie, Piankatank River, Virginia
Dixon Harbor, Alaska
Dock Thorofare, Risley Channel, New Jersey
Dodge Island, Fishermans Channel, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Dofflemeyer Point, Boston Hbr., Budd Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
Dog Hammock, Sapelo River, Georgia
Dog Island, west end, St. George Sound, Florida
Dog Point, Lisianski Peninsula, Sitka Sound, Alaska
Dolgoi Harbor, Dolgoi Island, Alaska
Dolgoi Harbor, Dolgoi Island, Alaska (sub)
Dolphin Point, Raspberry Strait, Alaska
Donald Ross Bridge, ICWW, Florida
Dora Harbor, Unimak Island, Alaska
Double Creek, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Doughboy Island, New River, South Carolina
Dover Bluff, Dover Creek, Georgia
Dover Bridge, Choptank River, Maryland
Dover Point, Piscataqua River, New Hampshire
Dover, Cocheco River, Piscataqua River, New Hampshire
Dover, England
Doyle Point, Casco Bay, Maine
Drakes Bay, Point Reyes, California
Drakes Bay, Point Reyes, California (sub)
Drayton, Bee's Ferry, Ashley River, South Carolina
Drift Creek, Alsea River, Oregon
Drift River Terminal, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Driftwood Bay, Umnak Island, Alaska
Dry Bay, Alaska
Dry Pass, Hill Island, Chichagof Island, Alaska
Dry Spruce Island, Kupreanof Strait, Alaska
Dry Strait, Frederick Sound, Alaska
Dublon Island, Chuuk, F.S.M.
Duck Island, Ashley River, South Carolina
Duck Key Point, Duck Key, Waltz Key Basin, Florida
Duck Key, Hawk Channel, Florida
Duke Marine Lab, Beaufort, North Carolina
Duke Marine Lab, Beaufort, North Carolina (sub)
Dukegat, Germany
Dumbarton Highway Bridge, San Francisco Bay, California
Dumbarton Highway Bridge, San Francisco Bay, California (sub)
Dumfoundling Bay, Florida
Duncan Canal, Kupreanof Island, Alaska
Dunedin, St. Joseph Sound, Florida
Dungeness, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
Dunn Sound, Little River Inlet, South Carolina
Dunn Sound, north end, South Carolina
Dunn Sound, west end, South Carolina
Dupont Wharf, Nisqually Reach, Puget Sound, Washington
Dupont, Dean Hall, Cooper River, South Carolina
Dutch Harbor, Amaknak Island, Unalaska Island, Alaska
Duwamish Waterway, Eighth Ave. South, Puget Sound, Washington
Duxbury, Duxbury Harbor, Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
Dwarsgat, Unterfeuer, Germany
Eagle Bay, Unalaska Island, Alaska
Eagle Cliff, Washington
Eagle Creek, Mud River, Georgia
Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, Puget Sound, Washington
Eagle Harbor, Cypress Island, Washington
Eagle Neck, South Newport River, Georgia
Eagle Point, Galveston Bay, Texas
Eagle Point, Galveston Bay, Texas (sub)
Eagle Point, Meares Passage, Alaska
East 41st Street, New York City, East River, New York
East Arsenicker, Card Sound, Florida
East Bahia Honda Key, south end, Florida Bay, Florida
East Bank 1, Norco, Bayou LaBranche, Louisiana
East Bay, Pensacola Bay, Florida
East Boothbay, Damariscotta River, Maine
East Cove, Yunaska Island, Alaska
East Creek, Route 47 bridge, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
East Foreland, Cook Inlet, Alaska
East Greenwich, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
East Island, French Frigate Shoals, Hawaii
East Key, southern end, Florida Bay, Florida
East Pass (Destin), Choctawhatchee Bay, Florida
East Point, Maurice River Cove, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
East Rockaway Inlet, Long Island, New York
East Rutherford, Passaic River, New Jersey
Easton Point, Tred Avon River, Maryland
Eastport, Passamaquoddy Bay, Maine
Eatons Neck Point, Long Island, New York
Eatons Neck Point, Long Island, New York (sub)
Ebon (Boston) Atoll, Marshall Islands
Echo Bay, Sucia Islands, Strait of Georgia, Washington
Edding Point, Edding Creek, Morgan River, South Carolina
Eden, Nettles Island, Indian River, Florida
Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts (sub)
Edgely, Pennsylvania
Edgemoor, Delaware River, Delaware
Edgerley Island, Napa River, California
Edgewater, Hudson River, New Jersey
Edgewater, South River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Edisto Beach, Edisto Island, South Carolina
Edisto Marina, Big Bay Creek entrance, South Edisto River, South Carolina
Ediz Hook, Port Angeles, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
Edmonds, Puget Sound, Washington
Edna Bay, Davidson Inlet, Alaska
Edwards Creek, 1 mi. above entrance, Nassau River, Florida
Eek Channel, off Quinhagak, Alaska
Eel Point, Nantucket Island, Massachusetts
Eemshaven, Netherlands
Egegik, Egegik River, Alaska
Egg Islands, Georgia
Egmont Key, Egmont Channel, Florida
Eidersperrwerk, Au?enpegel, Germany
El Capitan Island, Davidson Inlet, Alaska
El Capitan Passage, Alaska
El Jobean, Myakka River, Florida
El Segundo, Santa Monica Bay, California
Elbow Bay, Alaska
Elbow Passage, Klag Bay, Chichagof Island, Alaska
Eliza Harbor, Admiralty Island, Frederick Sound, Alaska
Eliza Harbor, Liesnoi Island, Frederick Sound, Alaska
Elk River Railroad Bridge, Humboldt Bay, California
Elkhorn Slough railroad bridge, Monterery Bay, California
Elkhorn Slough railroad bridge, Monterery Bay, California (sub)
Elkhorn Slough, Highway 1 Bridge, Monterey Bay, California
Elkhorn Yacht Club, Elkhorn Slough, California
Elkhorn Yacht Club, Elkhorn Slough, California (sub)
Elkhorn, Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California
Elkhorn, Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California (sub)
Ellamar, Tatitlek Narrows, Valdez Arm, Alaska
Elliott Cut entrance, Stono River, South Carolina
Elliott Key Harbor, Elliott Key, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Ellsworth, Washington
Elsfleth, Germany
Emden, Neue Seeschleuse, Germany
Empire Jetty, Louisiana
Empire, Coos Bay, Oregon
Emsh?rn, Germany
Englewood, Lemon Bay, Florida
English Bay, Unalaska Island, Alaska
Eniirikku Island, Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands
Ensenada Honda, Culebra Island, Puerto Rico
Enterprise Landing, Waccamaw River, South Carolina
Entrance Island, Keku Strait, Alaska
Entrance Island, Keku Strait, Alaska (sub)
Entrance, Egegik River, Alaska
Entrance, Kasaan Bay, Alaska
Entrance, Naknek River, Alaska
entrance, Nassau River, Florida
Entrance, Pensacola Bay, Florida
Entrance, Siuslaw River, Oregon
Entrance, Umpqua River, Oregon
Entrance, Waccamaw River, South Carolina
Erikub Atoll, Marshall Islands
Eshamy Bay, Knight Island Passage, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Eshamy Lagoon, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Essex, Connecticut River, Connecticut
Essex, Massachusetts
Estero River, Estero Bay, Florida
Estuaire-de-la-Saint-Charles, Qu?bec
Estus Point, Hagemeister Strait, Alaska
Etienne Bay, Attu Island, Alaska
Eugene Island, Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana
Eugene Island, Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana (sub)
Euhaw Creek, 2.5 mi. above entrance, Broad River, South Carolina
Eureka Slough Bridge, Humboldt Bay, California
Eureka, Humboldt Bay, California
Euro platform, Netherlands
Everett, Washington
Everglades City, Barron River, Florida
Ewell, Smith Island, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Exchange Cove, Alaska
Excursion Inlet Entrance, Icy Strait, Alaska
Excursion Inlet, Icy Strait, Alaska
Explorer Bay, Atka Island, Alaska
Eyak River entrance, Alaska
F?hr, Wyk, Germany
F?hrer Ley Nord, Germany
Fairway Island, Alaska
Falcon Arm, Slocum Arm, Chichagof Island, Alaska
Fall River, Narragansett Bay, Massachusetts
Fall River, Narragansett Bay, Massachusetts (sub)
Falmouth Foreside, Casco Bay, Maine
Falmouth Heights, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts
False Pass, Isanotski Strait, Unimak Island, Alaska
False River, San Joaquin River, California
Farge, Germany
Farmdale, East Bay, St. Andrew Bay, Florida
Fat Deer Key, Florida Bay, Florida
Favorite Bay, Kootznahoo Inlet, Alaska
Federal Point, Cape Fear River, North Carolina
Felixstowe, England
Fenimore Pass, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Fenwick Island, South Edisto River, South Carolina
Fernandina Beach, Amelia River, Florida
Ferndale, Strait of Georgia, Washington
Ferry Cove, Tilghman Island, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Ferry Point (bridge), Chickahominy River, Virginia
Fields Cut, Wright River, South Carolina
Fields Landing, Humboldt Bay, California
Fields Point, Combahee River, South Carolina
Fieldsboro, New Jersey
Finch Cove, Seguam Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Finger Bay, Kuluk Bay, Adak Island, Alaska
Finger Point, Lindenburg Peninsula, Wrangell Narrows, Alaska
Fire Island Coast Guard Station, Great South Bay, New York
Fire Island Light, Great South Bay, New York
Fire Island, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Fish Creek, Berrys Creek, Hackensack River, New Jersey
Fishermans Island, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Fishermans Rest, Florida
Fishguard, Wales
Fishing Bend, Santa Rosa Sound, Florida
Fishing Creek entrance, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Fitzgibbon Cove, Alaska
Five Fathom Creek entrance, Bulls Bay, South Carolina
Flamingo, Florida Bay, Florida
Flat Creek, Manahawkin Bay, New Jersey
Flaxman Island, Alaska
Fleeton Point, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Fleming Key, north end, Florida
Florence, Siuslaw River, Oregon
Florida Passage, Bear River, Georgia
Florida Passage, Ogeechee River, Georgia
Florida Power, Crystal River, Florida
Floyd Creek, 2.8 miles above entrance, Georgia
Flynn Cove, Icy Strait, Alaska
Folly Creek, Hwy. 171 bridge, South Carolina
Folly Creek, Metompkin Inlet, Virginia
Folly Island (outer coast), South Carolina
Folly River Bridge, Flooy Island, South Carolina
Folly River, north, Folly Island, South Carolina
Fore River, Casco Bay, Maine
Forge Pond, Metedeconk River, New Jersey
Forked River, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Forrester Island, Dall Island, Alaska
Fort Bragg Landing, California
Fort Canby, Jetty 'A', Washington
Fort Caswell, Cape Fear River, North Carolina
Fort Eustis, Mulberry Point, James River, Virginia
Fort Fremont, Beaufort River, South Carolina
Fort George Island, Fort George River, Florida
Fort Hamilton, The Narrows, New York
Fort Jackson, Savannah River, Georgia
Fort Johnson, South Carolina
Fort Macon, USCG Station, North Carolina
Fort Matanzas, Matanzas River, ICWW, Florida
Fort McAllister, Ogeechee River, Georgia
Fort McHenry Marsh, Patapsco River, Maryland
Fort Myers, Caloosahatchee River, Florida
Fort Myers, Caloosahatchee River, Florida (sub)
Fort Pierce Inlet, Florida
Fort Pierce Inlet, south jetty, Florida
Fort Pierce, Indian River, Florida
Fort Point, Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire
Fort Point, Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire (sub)
Fort Point, York Harbor, Maine
Fort Popham, Hunniwell Point, Kennebec River, Maine
Fort Popham, Hunniwell Point, Kennebec River, Maine (sub)
Fort Pulaski, Savannah River Entrance, Georgia
Fort Ross, California
Fort Sumter, South Carolina
Fort Wadsworth, The Narrows, Staten Island, New York
Fort Wadsworth, The Narrows, Staten Island, New York (sub)
Fortescue Creek, New Jersey
Fossil River entrance, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Foulweather Bluff, Washington
Fowl River, Mobile Bay Entrance, Alabama
Fox Bay, Kupreanof Peninsula, Alaska
Fox Bay, Whale Island, Alaska
Franklin City, Virginia
Frazier Point, South Carolina
Frederica River, Georgia
Frederick River Bridge, Georgia
Freeport, Baldwin Bay, Hempstead Bay, New York
Freeport, DOW Barge Canal, Texas
Freeport, DOW Barge Canal, Texas (sub)
Freshwater Bay, Chichagof Island, Alaska
Freshwater Canal Locks, Louisiana
FRF Pier, Duck, North Carolina
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, San Juan Channel, Washington
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, San Juan Channel, Washington (sub)
Friendship Harbor, Maine
Fripps Inlet, Hunting Island Bridge, St. Helena Sound, South Carolina
Fripps Inlet, Hunting Island Bridge, St. Helena Sound, South Carolina (sub)
Fritz Cove, Douglas Island, Alaska
Fulton, Florida
Funter, Funter Bay, Lynn Canal, Alaska
Galesville, West River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Gallant Channel, North Carolina
Gallinas, Gallinas Creek, San Pablo Bay, California
Galt Island, Pine Island Sound, Florida
Galveston Bay Entrance, North Jetty, Texas
Galveston Bay entrance, south jetty, Texas
Galveston Pier 21, Galveston Channel, Texas
Galveston Pleasure Pier, Gulf Of Mexico, Texas
Galveston Pleasure Pier, Gulf Of Mexico, Texas (sub)
Gambier Bay (cannery wharf), Alaska
Gandy Bridge, Old Tampa Bay, Florida
Garden City Bridge, Main Creek, Murrells Inlet, South Carolina
Garden City Pier (ocean), South Carolina
Garden Cove, Key Largo, Florida
Garden Key, Dry Tortugas, Florida
Gardiner, Discovery Bay, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
Gardiner, Kennebec River, Maine
Gardiner, Umpqua River, Oregon
Gareloi Island, Delarof Islands, Alaska
Gargathy Neck, Virginia
Garibaldi, Tillamook Bay, Oregon
Garibaldi, Tillamook Bay, Oregon (sub)
Garnet Point, Pennamquan River, Cobscook Bay, Maine
Gaskins Point, Occohannock Creek, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Gaviota, California
Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
General Dynamics Pier, Cooper River, South Carolina
General Dynamics Pier, Cooper River, South Carolina (sub)
General Fish Company Pier, Moss Landing, California
General Fish Company Pier, Moss Landing, California (sub)
Georgetown Lighthouse, South Carolina
Georgetown, Sampit River, South Carolina
Georgiana Slough entrance, Mokelumne River, California
Gerrish Island, Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire
Gertrude Cove, Kiska Island, Rat Islands, Alaska
Gibbon Anchorage, Green Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Gig Harbor, Puget Sound, Washington
Gilchrist, East Bay, Galveston Bay, Texas
Gilgo Heading, Great South Bay, New York
Gilmer Bay, Kruzof Island, Alaska
Gingerville Creek, South River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Gl?ckstadt, Germany
Glebe Point, Great Wicomico River, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Glen Cove, Hempstead Harbor, Long Island, New York
Glendale, Whidbey Island, Washington
Gloucester Harbor, Massachusetts
Gloucester Point, York River, Virginia
Gloucester Point, York River, Virginia (sub)
Gnat Cove, Carroll Inlet, Revillagigedo Channel, Alaska
Gold Street Bridge, Alviso Slough, San Francisco Bay, California
Golden Beach, ICWW, Florida
Gomez, South Jupiter Narrows, Florida
Good Hope Landing, south of, New River, South Carolina
Good Island, Gambier Bay, Alaska
Goodnews Bay entrance, Alaska
Goodwin Neck, Yorktown, York River, Virginia
Goose Creek entrance, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Goose Creek entrance, Cooper River, South Carolina
Goose Creek, Port Tobacco River, Potomac River, Maryland
Gooseberry Point, Hale Passage, Washington
Gooseneck Harbor, Dall Island, Alaska
Gooseneck Point, bridge, Shrewsbury River, New Jersey
Gopher Key, Cudjoe Bay, Florida
Gosport Harbor, Isles of Shoals, New Hampshire
Government Cut, Miami Harbor Entrance, Florida
Gowanus Bay, New York
Grahamville, Waccamaw River, South Carolina
Grand Bay, Louisiana
Grand Isle, Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana
Grand Isle, Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana (2)
Grand Pass, Louisiana
Granite Cove, Cross Sound, Alaska
Granite Rock, Redwood Creek, San Francisco Bay, California
Grant Line Canal (drawbridge), San Joaquin River, California
Grant Point, Izembek Lagoon, Bristol Bay, Alaska
Grassy Key, north side, Florida Bay, Florida
Grassy Key, south side, Hawk Channel, Florida
Grauerort, Germany
Gravel Point, Orca Inlet, Alaska
Graveling Point, Great Bay, New Jersey
Graves Harbor, Alaska
Gray Gables, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Great Chebeague Island, Casco Bay, Maine
Great Diamond Island, Casco Bay, Maine
Great Hill, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Great Kills Harbor, New Jersey
Great Machipongo Inlet (inside), Virginia
Great Pocket, Florida
Great Point Clear, Mobile Bay, Alabama
Great Point, Nantucket Island, Massachusetts
Great River, Connetquot River, Great South Bay, New York
Great Shoals Light, Monie Bay, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Great Wicomico River Light, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Greely Point, Taku Inlet, Alaska
Green Bank, Mullica River, New Jersey
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Green Island, Hempstead Bay, New York
Green Island, Petit Manan Bar, Maine
Greenbank, Whidbey Island, Washington
Greenport, Shelter Island Sound, New York
Greenwich Pier, Cohansey River, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Greggs Landing, Matceba Gardens, Ashley River, South Carolina
Greys Island, Alaska
Grief Island, Duncan Canal, Alaska
Gro?er Vogelsand, Leuchtturm, Germany
Gross Point, Eastern Channel, Penobscot River, Maine
Guanica, Puerto Rico
Guard Shore, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Guilford Harbor, Connecticut
Gulf Beach, Connecticut
Gulf Harbors, Florida
Gulfport Harbor, Mississippi Sound, Mississippi
Gulfport, Boca Ciega Bay, Florida
Gulfport, Gulfport Harbor, Mississippi
Gusty Bay, Tanaga Island, Alaska
H?rnum, Hafen, Germany
Hackensack, Hackensack River, New Jersey
Haddam, Connecticut River, Connecticut
Hadley, Lyman Anchorage, Alaska
Hadlyme, Connecticut River, Connecticut
Hagemeister Island (north end), Alaska
Hagley Landing, Waccamaw River, South Carolina
Haig Point, Daufuskie Island, Cooper River, South Carolina
Haines Inlet, Lynn Canal, Alaska
Hainesport, South Branch, Rancocas Creek, New Jersey
Haleiwa, Waialua Bay, Oahu Island, Hawaii
Haley Anchorage, Fish Bay, Alaska
Halfmoon Island, highway bridge, Nassau River, Florida
Halfmoon, Timmons River, Georgia
Halibut Bay, Alaska
Halibut Cove, Kachemak Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Halls River bridge, Homosassa River, Florida
Halls River bridge, Homosassa River, Florida (sub)
Hamburg, St. Pauli, Germany
Hamilton Bay, Kupreanof Island, Keku Strait, Alaska
Hamlin Creek, Isle of Palms, South Carolina
Hamlin Sound, South Carolina
Hammond, Oregon
Hampton Harbor, New Hampshire
Hampton River entrance, Georgia
Hana, Maui Island, Hawaii
Hanahan, Turkey Creek, Goose Creek, Cooper River, South Carolina
Hanalei Bay, Kauai Island, Hawaii
Hanamaulu Bay, Kauai Island, Hawaii
Hanauma Bay, Oahu Island, Hawaii
Hanbury Point, Mosquito Pass, San Juan I., Haro Strait, Washington
Hanning Bay, Montague Island, Alaska
Hansville, Puget Sound, Washington
Hansweert, Netherlands
Harbor of Refuge, Virginia
Harbor River Bridge, St. Helena Sound, South Carolina
Harbor River entrance, Bulls Bay, South Carolina
Harborton, Pungoteague Creek, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Harburg, Schleuse, Germany
Hargray Pier, Daufuskie Island, New River, South Carolina
Haringvliet 10, Netherlands
Haringvlietsluizen, Netherlands
Harkers Island Bridge, North Carolina
Harlem River, Randalls Island, East River, New York
Harlingen, Netherlands
Harper, Yukon Harbor, Puget Sound, Washington
Harrietts Bluff, Crooked River, Georgia
Harrington Point, Washington
Harris Neck, Barbour Island River, Georgia
Harris, The Narrows, Florida
Hartford, Connecticut River, Connecticut
Harwich, England
Hashamomuck Beach, Long Island, New York
Hassler Harbor, Annette Island, Revillagigedo Channel, Alaska
Hatteras (ocean), North Carolina
Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina
Haulover Pier, N. Miami Beach, Florida
Haulover Pier, N. Miami Beach, Florida (sub)
Haverstraw, Hudson River, New York
Havre de Grace, Susquehanna River, Maryland
Havre de Grace, Susquehanna River, Maryland (sub)
Hawk Inlet Entrance, Alaska
Hawkins Point, Patapsco River, Maryland
Haxall, James River, Virginia
Helgoland, Germany
Hell Gate, Wards Island, East River, New York
Henderson Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
Herbert Island, west side, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Hercules, Refugio Landing, San Pablo Bay, California
Hernando Beach, Rocky Creek, Little Pine I. Bay, Florida
Herring Bay, Frederick Sound, Alaska
Herring Point, Knight Island, Alaska
Hetlingen, Germany
Heysham, England
Higganum Creek, Connecticut River, Connecticut
High Bar, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Highlands, Route 36 bridge, Shrewsbury River, New Jersey
Highway bridge, Ogeechee River, Georgia
Highway bridge, South Brunswick River, Georgia
Hillsboro Beach, ICWW, Florida
Hillsboro Inlet (ocean), Florida
Hillsboro Inlet Marina, Florida
Hillsboro Inlet, Coast Guard Light Station, Florida
Hillsboro, Tuckahoe Creek, Choptank River, Maryland
Hillsboro, Tuckahoe Creek, Maryland
Hilo, Hilo Bay, Kunio Bay, Hawaii Island, Hawaii
Hingham, Massachusetts
Hinkley Point, England
Hix Bridge, East Branch, Westport River, Massachusetts
Ho-Non-Wah Boy Scout Camp, Bohicket Creek, North Edisto River, South Carolina
Hobart Bay, Alaska
Hobcaw Point, Wando River, South Carolina
Hobe Sound bridge, Florida
Hobe Sound, Jupiter Island, Florida
Hoek van Holland, Netherlands
Hog Inlet Pier, South Carolina
Hog Island, San Antonio Creek, San Pablo Bay, California
Hogg Bay, Port Bainbridge, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Holbrook, Kosciusko Island, Davidson Inlet, Alaska
Holkham Bay, Tracy Arm Entrance, Alaska
Holkham Bay, Wood Spit, Alaska
Holland Island Bar Light, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Hollidays Point (Kings Highway bridge), Nansemond River, Virginia
Hollingsworth Point, Davis Bayou, Mississippi
Hollis Anchorage, Kasaan Bay, Alaska
Holly Farms Harbor, Holmes Harbor, Whidbey I., Washington
Holly Grove Plantation, Great Pee Dee River, South Carolina
Hollywood Beach, Florida
Hollywood Beach, The Glades, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Hollywood Beach, West Lake, north end, Florida
Hollywood Beach, West Lake, south end, Florida
Holman, N.W.T.
Holt, Whiskey Slough, San Joaquin River, California
Holtz Bay, Attu Island, Alaska
Holyhead, Wales
Home, Von Geldern Cove, Carr Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
Homer, Kachemak Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Honolulu, Honolulu Harbor, Oahu Island, Hawaii
Honuapo, Hawaii Island, Hawaii
Hooge, Anleger, Germany
Hookton Slough, Humboldt Bay, California
Hoonah Harbor, Port Frederick, Icy Strait, Alaska
Hooper Island Light, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Hooper Strait Light, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Hope Creek, 0.6 n.mi. above entrance, Delaware River, New Jersey
Hope Creek, Edisto River, South Edisto River, South Carolina
Hopewell, City Point, James River, Virginia
Hopyard Landing, Rappahannock River, Virginia
Horn Island, Mississippi Sound, Mississippi
Horn Island, Mississippi Sound, Mississippi (sub)
Horns Hook, East 90th Street, East River, New York, New York
Horns Hook, East 90th Street, East River, New York, New York (sub)
Horsehead Bay, Carr Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
Horseshoe Keys, south end, Florida
Hot Springs Bay, Tanaga Island, Alaska
Houston Ship Channel, Galveston Bay, Manchester, Texas
Houston Ship Channel, Galveston Bay, Manchester, Texas (sub)
Howard Point, New Meadows River, Casco Bay, Maine
Howe Key, northwest end, Florida
Howe Key, south end, Harbor Channel, Florida
Howland Island
Hudson Creek entrance, Georgia
Hudson, Hudson Creek, Florida
Hudson, Hudson River, New York
Huibertgat, Netherlands
Hull, Massachusetts
Humboldt Bay, North Spit, California
Hungry Harbor, Washington
Huntebr?ck, Germany
Hunter Bay, Alaska
Hunters Point, Newtown Creek, East River, New York
Hunters Point, San Francisco Bay, California
Hunters Point, San Francisco Bay, California (sub)
Huntington Park, James River, Virginia
Hunts Point, East River, New York
Husum, Germany
Hutchinson Island, Ashepoo River, South Carolina
Hwy. 170 bridge, Broad River, South Carolina
Hwy. 19 bridge, Pithlachascotee River, Florida
Hyannis Port, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts
Hyde Park, Hudson River, New York
I-295 Bridge (west end), St. Johns River, Florida
I-295 Bridge (west end), St. Johns River, Florida (sub)
I-526 bridge, Ashley River, South Carolina
Icy Bay, Alaska
Idaho Inlet, Icy Strait, Alaska
Ideal Cove, Mitkof Island, Frederick Sound, Alaska
Ifalik Atoll
IJmuiden, Netherlands
Ikatan Bay, Unimak Island, Alaska
Ile d'Entree, Qu?bec
Ilfracombe, England
Iliamna Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Ilwaco, Baker Bay, Washington
Immingham, England
Imperial Beach, California
Inanudak Bay, Umnak Island, Alaska
Independence Island, Barataria Bay, Louisiana
Indian Creek Golf Club, ICWW, Florida
Indian Head, Potomac River, Maryland
Indian Key Anchorage, Lower Matecumbe Key, Florida
Indian Key, Florida
Indian Key, Hawk Channel, Florida
Indian Rocks Beach (inside), Florida
Ingraham Bay, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska
Ingram Thorofare, Townsends Inlet, New Jersey
Inian Cove, North Inian Pass, Cross Sound, Alaska
Inlet (Coast Guard Station), Indian River, Delaware
Inlet (Coast Guard Station), Indian River, Delaware (sub)
Inside channel, Rudee Inlet, Virginia
Interior channel, Rudee Inlet, Virginia
Inverness, Tomales Bay, California
Iona Shores, Caloosahatchee River, Florida
Irish Landing, Sand Mound Slough, San Joaquin River, California
Islamorada, Upper Matecumbe Key, Florida Bay, Florida
Island Beach, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Island Beach, Sedge Islands, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Isle Au Haut, Penobscot Bay, Maine
Isle of Hope, Skidaway River, Georgia
Isle of Palms Pier, South Carolina
Isle of Springs, Sheepscot River, Maine
Izhut Bay, Alaska
J.F.K. International Airport, Jamaica Bay, New York
Jack Bay, Louisiana
Jack Bay, Valdez Arm, Alaska
Jack Creek entrance, Bulls Bay, South Carolina
Jackson Cove, Glacier Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Jackson Creek, Deltaville, Piankatank River, Virginia
Jacksonboro Camp, South Edisto River, South Carolina
Jacksonville Beach, Florida
Jacksonville, Long Branch, Florida
Jacksonville, Long Branch, Florida (sub)
Jacksonville, Navy Fuel Depot, Florida
Jacobs Wharf, Sampit River, South Carolina
Jaffrey Point, Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire
Jaluit Atoll (SE Pass), Marshall Islands
Jamaica Beach, West Bay, Galveston Bay, Texas
James Island Creek, 1 mi. above ent., Ashley River, South Carolina
James Island, Washington
Jamestown Bridge, Santee River, South Carolina
Jap Bay, Alaska
Jekyll Island Marina, Jekyll Creek, Georgia
Jenkins Creek, 1 mi. above entrance, Morgan River, South Carolina
Jenkins Creek, Polawana Island, Morgan River, South Carolina
Jennettes Pier, Nags Head (ocean), North Carolina
Jensen Beach, Indian River, Florida
Jesters Island, Virginia
Jewfish Hole, Long Key, Florida Bay, Florida
Joe Batts Arm, Newfoundland
Johns Island, Chassahowitzka Bay, Florida
Johns Island, Chassahowitzka Bay, Florida (sub)
Johns Island, Church Creek, Wadmalaw River, South Carolina
Johns Pass, Boca Ciega Bay, Florida
Johnson Creek Bridge, Hunting Island, St. Helena Sound, South Carolina
Johnson Keys, north end, Florida
Johnson Keys, south end, Florida
Johnston Atoll, Pacific Ocean
Johnston Key, southwest end, Turkey Basin, Florida
Johnstone Passage, Yakutat Bay, Alaska
Johnstone Point, Hinchinbrook Island, Alaska
Joice Island, Suisun Slough, Suisun Bay, California
Jointer Island, Jointer Creek, Georgia
Jones Creek entrance, Hampton River, Georgia
Jones Inlet (Point Lookout), Long Island, New York
Jones Neck, Medomak River, Maine
Jordan Point, James River, Virginia
Joseph Bayou, Mississippi River, Louisiana
Juist, Hafen, Germany
Julington Creek, Florida
Juneau, Gastineau Channel, Stephens Pass, Alaska
Jupiter Inlet, south jetty, Florida
Jupiter Inlet, U.S. Highway 1 Bridge, Florida
Jupiter Sound, south end, Florida
Jupiter, Lake Worth Creek, ICWW, Florida
K13 Alpha, Netherlands
Kah Shakes Cove, Revillagigedo Channel, Alaska
Kahului, Kahului Harbor, Hawaii
Kaigani Harbor, Kaigani Strait, Alaska
Kailua Kona, Hawaii Island, Hawaii
Kake, Keku Strait, Alaska
Kakul Narrows, Alaska
Kalama, Washington
Kamalo Harbor, Molokai Island, Hawaii
Kanaga Bay, Kanaga Island, Alaska
Kanaka Bay, San Juan Island, Haro Strait, Washington
Kanatak Lagoon, Portage Bay, Alaska
Karheen, Sea Otter Sound, Davidson Inlet, Alaska
Karta Bay, Kasaan Bay, Alaska
Kasaan, Kasaan Bay, Alaska
Kashega Bay, Unalaska Island, Alaska
Kasnyku Bay, Alaska
Kasook Inlet, Sukkwan Island, Tlevak Strait, Alaska
Kassa Inlet entrance, Alaska
Katmai Bay, Shelikof Strait, Alaska
Kaumalapau, Lanai Island, Hawaii
Kaunakakai, Molokai Island, Hawaii
Kawaihae, Hawaii Island, Hawaii
Kawaihae, Hawaii Island, Hawaii (sub)
Kawanak Pass entrance, Yukon River, Bering Sea, Alaska
Kayak Point, Washington
Kazakof Bay, Marmot Bay, Alaska
Kearny Point, Hackensack River, New Jersey
Keasbey, Raritan River, New Jersey
Keete Inlet, Alaska
Keete Island, Nutkwa Inlets, Alaska
Kell Bay, Affleck Canal, Kuiu Island, Alaska
Kelley Point, Oregon
Kelp Island Passage, Duke Island, Dixon Entrance, British Columbia
Kenai City Pier, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Kenai River entrance, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Kenilworth Aquatic Garden, Anacostia River, Washington, D.C.
Kennebunkport, Maine
Kent Island Narrows, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Kent Point Marina, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Kernville, Siletz River, Oregon
Ketchikan, Tongass Narrows, Alaska
Kettle Creek, Green Island, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Key Biscayne Yacht Club, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Key Colony Beach, Florida
Key Colony Beach, Florida (sub)
Key Haven - Stock Island Channel, Florida
Key Largo, South Sound, Key Largo, Florida
Key Lois, southeast end, Florida
Key West, Florida
Key West, south side, White Street Pier, Florida
Keydash, Isle of Wight Bay, Maryland
Keyport, New Jersey
Keysfield, Waccamaw River, South Carolina
Kiawah River Bridge, South Carolina
Kigul Island, Umnak Island, Alaska
Kihei, Maalaea Bay, Maui Island, Hawaii
Kilkenny Club, Kilkenny Creek, Georgia
Killisnoo, Alaska
Kimshan Cove, Ogden Passage, Chichagof Island, Alaska
King Cove, Deer Passage, Pacific Ocean, Alaska
King Cove, Deer Passage, Pacific Ocean, Alaska (sub)
King Harbor, Santa Monica Bay, California
King Salmon Airport, Naknek River, Alaska
Kingman Lake, Anacostia River, Washington, D.C.
Kings Bay, Navy Base, Georgia
Kings Bay, Navy Base, Georgia (sub)
Kings Bay, Port Nellie Juan, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Kings Ferry, St. Marys River, Florida
Kings Point, Long Island Sound, New York
Kingsley Creek, RR. bridge, Florida
Kingsmill, James River, Virginia
Kingsmill, James River, Virginia (sub)
Kingston, Appletree Cove, Puget Sound, Washington
Kingston, Hudson River, New York
Kinlochbervie, Scotland
Kinsale, Yeocomico River, Virginia
Kiptopeke Beach, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Kiptopeke Beach, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia (sub)
Kirby Park, Elkhorn Slough, California
Kirby Park, Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California
Kiska Harbor, Kiska Island, Rat Islands, Alaska
Kisselen Bay, Beaver Inlet, Unalaska Island, Alaska
Kittery Point, Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire
Kitty Hawk (ocean), North Carolina
Kivalina, Alaska
Kiwalik, Kotzebue Sound, Alaska
Kizhuyak Bay, Alaska
Kizhuyak Point, Alaska
Klokachef Island, Alaska
Knapp Landing, Washington
Knappa, Knappa Slough, Oregon
Knight Key Channel, Knight Key, Florida Bay, Florida
Knock, Germany
Knockemdown Key, north end, Florida
Kodiak, Port of Kodiak, Alaska
Kodiak, St. Paul Harbor, Alaska
Kodiak, Women's Bay, Alaska
Kokechik Bay, Bering Sea, Alaska
Kollmar (Kamperreihe), Germany
Kolo, Molokai Island, Hawaii
Kornwerderzand, Netherlands
Korovin Island (east side), Shumagin Islands, Alaska
Kotzebue, Kotzebue Sound, Alaska
Kr?ckau - Sperrwerk, Au?enpegel, Germany
Krammersluizen west, Netherlands
Kuheia Bay, Kahoolawe Island, Hawaii
Kujulik Bay (North Shore), Alaska
Kukak, Kukak Bay, Alaska
Kuliliak Bay, Unalaska Island, Alaska
Kupreanof Harbor, Paul Island, Alaska
Kuskokwak Creek entrance, Alaska
Kvichak, Kvichak River, Alaska
Kwajalein Atoll (Namur Island), Marshall Islands
Kwajalein, Marshall Islands
Kwikluak Pass, Yukon River, Bering Sea, Alaska
La Conner, Swinomish Channel, Washington
La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf), California
La Jolla (Scripps Institution Wharf), California (sub)
La Push, Quillayute River, Washington
La Push, Quillayute River, Washington (sub)
Lahaina, Maui Island, Hawaii
Laie Bay, Oahu Island, Hawaii
Laird Bayou, East Bay, St. Andrew Bay, Florida
Lake Bay, Alaska
Lake Charles, Calcasieu River, Louisiana
Lake Forest, Ribault River, Trout River, Florida
Lake Montauk, Long Island, New York
Lake Rudee, south end, Virginia
Lake Worth Creek, Day Beacon 19, ICWW, Florida
Lake Worth Pier, Atlantic Ocean, Florida
Lake Worth Pier, Atlantic Ocean, Florida (sub)
Lake Wyman, ICWW, Florida
Lakeville, Petaluma River, San Pablo Bay, California
Lameshur Bay, St. Johns, Virgin Islands
Lancaster Cove, Cholmondeley Sound, Alaska
Landlocked Bay, Port Fidalgo, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Langeness Hilligenley, Germany
Langeoog, Germany
Largo Sound, Key Largo, Florida
Larsen Bay, Uyak Bay, Alaska
Las Mareas, Puerto Rico
Lash Bay, Tanaga Island, Alaska
Laska Cove, Kagalaska Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Latouche, Latouche Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Anglin Fishing Pier, Florida
Lauwersoog, Netherlands
Lauzon, Qu?bec
Lawma, Amerada Pass, Louisiana
Laysan Island, Hawaii
Lazy Bay, Alitak Bay, Alaska
Lazy Bay, Alitak Bay, Alaska (sub)
Leadenwah Creek, 3 mi. above entrance, North Edisto River, South Carolina
Leconte Bay, Frederick Sound, Alaska
Leerort, Germany
Lees Cabins, Wide Bay, Alaska
Leipsic, Leipsic River, Delaware Bay, Delaware
Leith, Scotland
Lemesurier Island Light, North Passage, Icy Strait, Alaska
Lenard Harbor, Cold Bay, Alaska
Lenoxville Point, North Carolina
Lerwick, Shetland Islands, Scotland
Lester Manor, Pamunkey River, Virginia
Lester Manor, Pamunkey River, Virginia (sub)
Level Islands, Alaska
Levelock, Kvichak River, Alaska
Lewes, Fort Miles, Delaware
Lewisetta, Potomac River, Virginia
Lewisetta, Potomac River, Virginia (sub)
Leybucht, Leyh?rn, Germany
Lichteiland Goeree, Netherlands
Lighthouse Point, Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana
Lighthouse Point, New Haven Harbor, Connecticut
Lignumvitae Key, NE side, Florida Bay, Florida
Lignumvitae Key, west side, Florida Bay, Florida
Likiep Atoll, Marshall Islands
Lime Tree Bay, St. Croix, Virgin Islands
Limehouse Bridge, Stono River, South Carolina
Lincoln Island, Lynn Canal, Alaska
Lindenburg Head, Alaska
List West, Germany
List, Germany
Litchfield Beach bridge, South Carolina
Little Back River, Hwy. 17, Back River, Savannah River, South Carolina
Little Basin, Upper Matecumbe Key, Florida Bay, Florida
Little Bull Creek entrance, Bull Creek, Waccamaw River, South Carolina
Little Card Sound bridge, Florida
Little Creek NAB, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Little Deer Isle, Eggemoggin Reach, Maine
Little Duck Key, east end, Hawk Channel, Florida
Little Gull Island, Long Island, New York
Little Harbor, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Little Hickory Island, Estero Bay, Florida
Little Pine Key, north end, Florida
Little Pine Key, south end, Florida
Little Pottsburg Creek, Florida
Little River (town), South Carolina
Little River Neck, north end, South Carolina
Little Sheepshead Creek, Great Bay, New Jersey
Little Spanish Key, Spanish Banks, Florida
Little St. Marys River, St. Marys River, Florida
Little Talbot Island, ocean, Florida
Little Torch Key, Pine Channel Bridge, south side, Florida
Little Torch Key, Pine Channel Bridge, south side, Florida (2)
Little Torch Key, Torch Channel, Florida
Lituya Bay, 2 miles inside entrance, Alaska
Liverpool (Gladstone Dock), England
Liverpool Point, Potomac River, Maryland
Llandudno, Gwynedd, Wales
Lloyd Harbor, Huntington Bay, Long Island, New York
Lobeco, Whale Branch, Coosaw River, South Carolina
Lockheed Shipyard, Harbor Island, Puget Sound, Washington
Lockwoods Folly Inlet, North Carolina
Lofall, Washington
Lofton, Lanceford Creek, Florida
Loggerhead Key, Dry Tortugas, Florida
Lonesome Bayou (Thomasin), Louisiana
Long Bay Entrance, Culross Passage, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Long Beach (Inside), Hempstead Bay, New York
Long Beach, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Long Beach, Inner Harbor, California
Long Beach, Terminal Island, California
Long Beach, Terminal Island, California (sub)
Long Branch (fishing pier), New Jersey
Long Branch Reach, Shrewsbury River, New Jersey
Long Creek, Lynnhaven Bay, Virginia
Long Hill, Housatonic River, Connecticut
Long Island, Casco Bay, Maine
Long Key Bight, Long Key, Florida
Long Key Lake, Long Key, Florida
Long Key, 0.5mi N. of Corey Causeway, Boca Ciega Bay, Florida
Long Key, western end, Florida
Long Neck Point, Connecticut
Long Point, Big Annemessex River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Long Reach, Ingram Thorofare, Townsends Inlet, New Jersey
Longbranch, Filucy Bay, Puget Sound, Washington
Longport (inside), Great Egg Harbor Inlet, New Jersey
Longview, Columbia River, Washington
Longview, Washington
Lora Point, Escambia Bay, Pensacola Bay, Florida
Loring, Naha Bay, Alaska
Los Angeles (outer harbor), California
Los Angeles Harbor, Mormon Island, California
Los Patos (highway bridge), California
Losap Atoll
Lostmans River entrance, Florida
Love Point, Chester River, Maryland
Loveladies Harbor, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Lower Anchorage, Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Lower Bryant Landing, Tensay River, Alabama
Lower Cedar Point, Potomac River, Maryland
Lower Escuminac, New Brunswick
Lower Hall Landing, Tensaw River, Alabama
Lower Marlboro, Patuxent River, Maryland
Lower Marlboro, Patuxent River, Maryland (sub)
Lower Toogoodoo Creek, 2 mi. above entrance, North Edisto River, South Carolina
Lower Topsaw Landing, Great Pee Dee River, South Carolina
Lowestoft, England
Lucy Point Creek entrance, Morgan River, South Carolina
Ludlam Bay, west side, Corson Inlet, New Jersey
Lyme, highway bridge, Connecticut River, Connecticut
Lynch Cove Dock, Washington
Lynchburg Landing, San Jacinto River, Galveston Bay, Texas
Lynchburg Landing, San Jacinto River, Galveston Bay, Texas (sub)
Lynn Haven, North Bay, St. Andrew Bay, Florida
Lynn, Lynn Harbor, Massachusetts
Mabel Island, Alaska
Machiasport, Machias River, Maine
Mackay River (Daymark 239), Georgia
Mackay River (ICWW), Buttermilk Sound, Georgia
Mackerel Cove, Blue Hill Bay, Maine
Macleod Harbor, Montague Island, Alaska
Mad River Slough, Arcata Bay, Humboldt Bay, California
Madeira Beach Causeway, Boca Ciega Bay, Florida
Madison, Connecticut
Magens Bay, St. Thomas Island, Virgin Islands
Magnolia Gardens, Ashley River, South Carolina
Magueyes Island, Caribbean Sea, Puerto Rico
Mahon River entrance, Delaware Bay, Delaware
Mahukona, Hawaii Island, Hawaii
Mailboat Slough, Willapa River, Willapa Bay, Washington
Main Key, Barnes Sound, Florida
Main Marsh Thorofare, New Jersey
Main Street Bridge, St. Johns River, Florida
Main Street Bridge, St. Johns River, Florida (sub)
Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands
Makah Bay, Washington
Makena, Maui Island, Hawaii
Maknik Lagoon entrance, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Malga Bay, Unalga Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Malina Bay, Shelikof Strait, Alaska
Mallard Island Ferry Wharf, Suisun Bay, California
Maloelap Atoll, Marshall Islands
Manahawkin Creek, Manahawkin Bay, New Jersey
Manahawkin Drawbridge, Manahawkin Bay, New Jersey
Manasquan Inlet, USCG Station, New Jersey
Manatee Creek, Manatee Bay, Barnes Sound, Florida
Mandalay, Aucilla River, Apalachee Bay, Florida
Mangrove Pt., Crystal Bay, Florida
Mangrove Pt., Crystal Bay, Florida (sub)
Manilla, Barataria Bay, Louisiana
Mantoloking, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Mantua, Mantua Creek, New Jersey
Marble Island, Davidson Inlet, Alaska
Marble Passage, Davidson Inlet, Alaska
Marco Island, Caxambas Pass, Florida
Marco, Big Marco River, Florida
Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania
Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania (sub)
Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Carquinez Strait, California
Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Carquinez Strait, California (sub)
Marine Corps Air Station, Brickyard Creek, Beaufort River, South Carolina
Marion, Sippican Harbor, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Market Street Bridge, Schuylkill River, Pennsylvania
Markham, Grays Harbor, Washington
Marmot Island, Marmot Strait, Alaska
Maromas, Connecticut River, Connecticut
Marrowstone Point, Admiralty Inlet, Washington
Marshall Hall, Potomac River, Maryland
Marshall, Tomales Bay, California
Martin Harbor, Korovin Bay, Atka Island, Alaska
Mary Island Anchorage, Revillagigedo Channel, Alaska
Marysville, Quilceda Creek, Washington
Mason Creek, Homosassa Bay, Florida
Mason Creek, Homosassa Bay, Florida (sub)
Masonboro Inlet, North Carolina
Massaponax, Rappahannock River, Virginia
Matanzas Pass (fixed bridge) Estero Island, Florida
Matapeake, Kent Island, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Matawan Creek, Route 35 bridge, New Jersey
Matecumbe Bight, Lower Matecumbe Key, Fla. Bay, Florida
Matecumbe Harbor, Lower Matecumbe Key, Fla. Bay, Florida
Mathias Point, Potomac River, Virginia
Matinicus Harbor, Wheaton Island, Penobscot Bay, Maine
Matlacha Pass (bascule bridge), Florida
Mattapoisett, Mattapoisett Harbor, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Mattituck Inlet, Long Island Sound, New York
Mattituck Inlet, Long Island Sound, New York (sub)
Mauricetown, Maurice River, New Jersey
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Mayan Lake, Florida
Mayo Key, Big Spanish Channel, Florida
Mayport (ferry dock), Florida
Mayport Naval Station, Degausing Structure, Florida
Mays Landing, Great Egg Harbor River, New Jersey
McClellanville, Jeremy Creek, Bulls Bay, South Carolina
McCreedy's Creek, Fishing Bay, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
McCreedy's Creek, Fishing Bay, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland (sub)
McFarland Islands, Tlevak Strait, Alaska
McMicken Island, Case Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
Meadow Point, Shilshole Bay, Puget Sound, Washington
Meadowville, James River, Virginia
Meares Island, south side, Meares Passage, Alaska
Meetpost Noordwijk, Netherlands
Meins Landing, Montezuma Slough, Suisun Bay, California
Menantico Creek entrance, Maurice River, New Jersey
Menchville, James River, Virginia
Mendocino, Mendocino Bay, California
Menefee Anch., Prince of Wales Island, Alaska
Mermentau River entrance, Louisiana
Merrimacport, Merrimack River, Massachusetts
Mesquite Point, Sabine Pass, Texas
Mesquite Point, Sabine Pass, Texas (sub)
Messick Point, Back River, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Metlakatla, Port Chester, Alaska
Metompkin Inlet, Virginia
Miami Beach (city pier), Florida
Miami Beach (city pier), Florida (sub)
Miami Cove, Tillamook Bay, Oregon
Miami, Marina, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Micco, Indian River, Florida
Michoud Substation, ICWW, Louisiana
Middle Bluff, Kvichak Bay, Bristol Bay, Alaska
Middle Hooper Island, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Middle Thorofare, Ocean Drive bridge, Corson Inlet, New Jersey
Middle Torch Key, Torch Ramrod Channel, Florida
Middleton Island (north end), Alaska
Middletown, Connecticut River, Connecticut
Midway Inlet North, Pawleys Island, South Carolina
Milford Harbor, Connecticut
Milford Haven, Wales
Mill Basin, Jamaica Bay, New York
Mill Creek (Grey Point), Rappahannock River, Virginia
Mill Creek, 1 n.mi. above entrance, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Mill Point, Sasanoa River, Sheepscot River, Maine
Millbridge, Narraguagus River, Maine
Millenbeck, Corrotoman River, Rappahannock River, Virginia
Millport, Scotland
Mills Point (south of), Wicomico River, Maryland
Millside, RR. bridge, Christina River, Delaware
Millville, Maurice River, New Jersey
Milton, Blackwater River, Pensacola Bay, Florida
Miner Island, Lisianski Strait and Inlet, Alaska
Minim Creek ent., ICWW, North Santee Bay, South Carolina
Mining Camp, Uyak Bay, Alaska
Mink Creek entrance, Nassau River, Florida
Minnie Bay, Alaska
Minsener Oog, Buhne C, Germany
Mispillion River entrance, Delaware Bay, Delaware
Missouri Key-Little Duck Key Channel, Florida
Missouri Key-Ohio Key Channel, west side, Florida
Mist Harbor, Nagai Island, Shumagin Islands, Alaska
Mitchell Bay, Kootznahoo Inlet, Alaska
Mitrofania Island, Alaska
Mittelplate, Germany
Mobbly Bayou, Florida
Mobile (Mobile State Docks), Alabama
Mobile Point (Fort Morgan), Alabama
Mobjack, East River, Mobjack Bay, Virginia
Moghoweyik River entrance, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Moku o Loe, Kaneohe Bay, Oahu Island, Hawaii
Molasses Key Channel, Molasses Keys, Florida
Mona Island, Puerto Rico
Moncrief Creek entrance, Trout River, Florida
Money Island, Nantuxent Creek entrance, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Money Key, Florida
Money Point, South Bridge, Elizabeth River, Virginia
Money Point, South Bridge, Elizabeth River, Virginia (sub)
Monhegan Island, Maine
Montauk Harbor entrance, Long Island, New York
Montauk Point Light, Long Island Sound, New York
Montauk, Fort Pond Bay, Long Island Sound, New York
Monte Carlo Island, Keku Strait, Alaska
Monterey, Monterey Harbor, California
Montesano, Chehalis River, Grays Harbor, Washington
Montezuma Slough Bridge, Suisun Bay, California
Montezuma Slough, Suisun Bay, California
Monument Beach, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Moon Head, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts
Moores Landing, ICWW, Sewee Bay, South Carolina
Mop Point, Thorne Arm, Revillagigedo Channel, Alaska
Morakas Point, Naknek River, Alaska
Moray Firth (sheet pile wall), Scotland
Morehead City Harbor, North Carolina
Morehead City, North Carolina
Moreland Cemetery, May River, South Carolina
Moriches Coast Guard Station, Long Island, New York
Moriches Inlet, Long Island, New York
Morse Cove, Duke Island, Revillagigedo Channel, Alaska
Morzhovoi Bay, Alaska
Moser Bay (Trap Point), Alaska
Moss Landing, Ocean Pier, California
Moss Landing, Ocean Pier, California (sub)
Motts Basin, Jamaica Bay, New York
Mount Holly, Nomini Creek, Potomac River, Virginia
Mount Sinai Harbor, Long Island, New York
Mountain Point, Magothy River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Mowry Slough, San Francisco Bay, California
Mt. Pleasant Plantation, Black River, Great Pee Dee River, South Carolina
Mud Bay, Goose Island, Icy Strait, Alaska
Mud Bay, Hetta Inlet, Alaska
Mud River, at Old Teakettle Creek, Georgia
Muddy Creek Entrance, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Mugu Lagoon (ocean pier), California
Muir Inlet, Glacier Bay, Alaska
Mullet Key Channel (Skyway), Florida
Mumbles, Wales
Munson Island, Newfound Harbor Channel, Florida
Murderkill River entrance, Delaware Bay, Delaware
Murilo Atoll, Hall Islands
Muscongus Harbor, Muscongus Sound, Maine
Muskeget Island, north side, Nantucket Island, Massachusetts
Musselboro Island, Mosquito Creek, Ashepoo River, South Carolina
Myrtle Beach Airport, South Carolina
Myrtle Beach, Combination Bridge, South Carolina
Mystery Bay, Marrowstone Island, Admiralty Inlet, Washington
N.C. State Fisheries, North Carolina
Nachalni Island, Kupreanof Strait, Alaska
Nacote Creek, U.S. Highway 9 bridge, Mullica River, New Jersey
Nahcotta, Willapa Bay, Washington
Nahcotta, Willapa Bay, Washington (sub)
Nain, Labrador
Nakat Harbor, Dixon Entrance, Alaska
Nakchamik Island, Alaska
Naked Island, McPherson Passage, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Nakeen, Kvichak River, Alaska
Namoluk Atoll
Namonuito Atoll
Nannaquaket Neck, Sakonnet River, Rhode Island
Nantasket Beach, Weir River, Massachusetts
Nantucket, Nantucket Island, Nantucket Island, Massachusetts
Napa, Napa River, California
Naples, Gulf Of Mexico, Florida
Naples, Naples Bay, north end, Florida
Napoopoo, Kealakekua Bay, Hawaii Island, Hawaii
Narragansett Pier, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Naselle River, 4 miles above swing bridge, Willapa Bay, Washington
Naselle River, swing bridge, Willapa Bay, Washington
Nassauville, Nassau River, Florida
Natalia Point, Tlevak Strait, Alaska
National City, San Diego Bay, California
Navarre Beach, Florida
Navarre Beach, Florida (sub)
Nawiliwili, Nawiliwili Harbor, Kauai Island, Hawaii
Nazan Bay, Atka Island, Alaska
Neah Bay, Strait Of Juan De Fuca, Washington
Neds Creek, Hempstead Bay, New York
Nehalem, Nehalem River, Oregon
Nehenta Bay, Gravina Island, Alaska
Neponset, Neponset River, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts
Nes, Netherlands
Nestucca Bay entrance, Oregon
Netarts, Netarts Bay, Oregon
Neuharlingersiel, Germany
Neuville, Qu?bec
New Bedford, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
New Bedford, Shark River, New Jersey
New Brunswick, Raritan River, New Jersey
New Canal USCG station, Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana
New Canal USCG station, Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana (sub)
New Castle, Delaware River, Delaware
New Gretna, Bass River, Mullica River, New Jersey
New Hamburg, Hudson River, New York
New Harbor, Muscongus Bay, Maine
New Haven Harbor, New Haven Reach, Connecticut
New Haven Harbor, New Haven Reach, Connecticut (sub)
New Hope Bridge, Mokelumne River, California
New London, Thames River, Connecticut
New Millford, Hackensack River, New Jersey
New Port Richey, Pithlachascotee River, Florida
New River Inlet, North Carolina
New Rochelle, New York
New Suffolk, Peconic Bays, New York
New Topsail Inlet, North Carolina
New Westminster, British Columbia
Newark Slough, San Francisco Bay, California
Newbold, Delaware River, Pennsylvania
Newbold, Delaware River, Pennsylvania (sub)
Newburgh, Hudson River, New York
Newburyport, Merrimack River, Massachusetts
Newcastle, Damariscotta River, Maine
Newhaven, England
Newlyn, England
Newport Beach, Newport Bay Entrance, Corona del Mar, California
Newport Beach, Newport Bay Entrance, Corona del Mar, California (sub)
Newport Landing, Nantuxent Creek, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Newport News, James River, Virginia
Newport River (Yacht Club), North Carolina
Newport, Gwent, Wales
Newport, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Newport, Yaquina Bay and River, Oregon
Niantic, Niantic River, Connecticut
Niblack Anchorage, Moira Sound, Alaska
Nichols Bay, Dixon Entrance, Alaska
Nigelius Point, Carroll Inlet, Revillagigedo Channel, Alaska
Nikiski, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Nikolski, Alaska
Ninilchik, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Nismeni Cove, Alaska
Nix Point, Perdido Bay, Florida
Nixon Crossroads, South Carolina
Niyrakpak Lagoon entrance, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
No Name Key, east side, Bahia Honda Channel, Florida
Nomans Land, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
Nome, Norton Sound, Alaska
Nomwin Atoll, Hall Islands
Nonopapa, Niihau Island, Hawaii
Norddeich, Westerriede, Germany
Nordenham, Unterfeuer, Germany
Norderney, Riffgat, Germany
Nordstrand, Strucklahnungsh?rn, Germany
Nordyke Island, Kamishak Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Norfolk, Elizabeth River, Virginia
North Anclote Key, Florida
North Bay, Stuart Island, Norton Sound, Alaska
North Beach, Manahawkin Bay, New Jersey
North Branch, Rancocas Creek, New Jersey
North Brother Island, East River, New York
North Channel Bridge, Grassy Bay, Jamaica Bay, New York
North Dawson Landing, Coosawhatchie River, Broad River, South Carolina
North Dewees Island, Capers Inlet, South Carolina
North End, Bay Oil pier, Sakonnet River, Rhode Island
North entrance, Wilmington River, Georgia
North Fork, 2 miles above entrance, Loxahatchee River, Florida
North Fork, St. Lucie River, Florida
North Harris Channel, Upper Sugarloaf Sound, Florida
North Haven, Penobscot Bay, Maine
North Highlands Beach, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
North Miami Beach, Newport Fishing Pier, Florida
North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
North Newport River (Daymark 119), Georgia
North Newport River, Georgia
North Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Florida
North Pass, Pass a Loutre, Mississippi River, Louisiana
North Pass, West End, Tlevak Strait, Alaska
North Point, Patapsco River, Maryland
North Point, Pier 41, San Francisco, San Francisco Bay, California
North Point, Pier 41, San Francisco, San Francisco Bay, California (sub)
North River Bridge, North Carolina
North Santee Bridge, South Carolina
North Santee River Inlet, South Carolina
North Secaucus, Garretts Reach, Hackensack River, New Jersey
North side, Yunaska Island, Alaska
North Sydney, Nova Scotia
Northbury, Pamunkey River, Virginia
Northeast Arm, Uganik Bay, Alaska
Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Northport, Northport Bay, Long Island, New York
Northshields, England
Northville, Long Island, New York
Norton Point, Gravesend Bay, New York
Norton Point, Head of Bay, Jamaica Bay, New York
Norwich, Thames River, Connecticut
Norwood City, Darby Creek, Pennsylvania
Nowell Creek, Wando River, South Carolina
Noyack Bay, Shelter Island Sound, New York
Noyo River, California
Nuka Passage, Alaska
Nukshak Island, Shelikof Strait, Alaska
Nummy Island, Grassy Sound Channel, Hereford Inlet, New Jersey
Nurse Slough, Bradmoor Island, Suisun Bay, California
Nurse Slough, Bradmoor Island, Suisun Bay, California (sub)
Nut Island, Quincy Bay, Massachusetts
O'Hara Key, north end, Waltz Key Basin, Florida
Oak Bay, Admiralty Inlet, Washington
Oak Beach, Great South Bay, New York
Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
Oak Branch, Bohicket Creek, North Edisto River, South Carolina
Oak Landing, ICWW, Florida
Oakland Airport, San Francisco Bay, California
Oakland Harbor, Grove Street, San Francisco Bay, California
Oakland Harbor, Park Street Bridge, San Francisco Bay, California
Oakland Inner Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California
Oakland Middle Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California
Oakland Pier, San Francisco Bay, California
Oakland, Matson Wharf, San Francisco Bay, California
Oaks Creek, 0.5 mi. above entrance, Murrells Inlet, South Carolina
Oaks Creek, upper end, Murrells Inlet, South Carolina
Ocean Beach, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Ocean Beach, outer coast, California
Ocean City (fishing pier), Maryland
Ocean City (Isle of Wight Bay), Maryland
Ocean City Beach (fishing pier), North Carolina
Ocean City Inlet, Maryland
Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (sub)
Ocean Drive bridge, Townsends Inlet, New Jersey
Ocean Reef Harbor, Key Largo, Florida
Ocean Ridge, ICWW, Florida
Ocean Springs, Mississippi
Oceanic Bridge, Navesink River, Shrewsbury River, New Jersey
Ocella Creek, 2 mi. above entrance, North Edisto River, South Carolina
Ocracoke Inlet, North Carolina
Ocracoke, Ocracoke Island, North Carolina
Ocracoke, Ocracoke Island, North Carolina (sub)
Ogliuga Island (east coast), Delarof Islands, Alaska
Ohio Key-Bahia Honda Key Channel, west side, Florida
Oil Bay, Kamishak Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Oil Platform Harvest (Topex Project), California
Okee Bay, Umnak Island, Alaska
Old Bridge, South River, Raritan River, New Jersey
Old Capers Landing, Santee Pass, Capers Island, South Carolina
Old Frenchtown Wharf, Elk River, Maryland
Old House Channel, North Carolina
Old Orchard Beach, Maine
Old Plantation Light, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Old Point Comfort, Hampton Roads, Virginia
Old Rice Mill, West Branch, Cooper River, South Carolina
Old Tea Kettle Creek (Daymark 173), Georgia
Old Tower, Sapelo Island, Georgia
Old Turtle Thorofare, RR. bridge, Hereford Inlet, New Jersey
Oldenburg - Drielake, Germany
Olga Bay (A. P. A. Cannery), Alaska
Olga Point, Olga Strait, Sitka Sound, Alaska
Olive Cove, Zimovia Strait, Alaska
Olympia, Budd Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
Omakstalia Point, Naknek River, Alaska
Onancock, Onancock Creek, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Onion Bay, Kupreanof Strait, Alaska
Onion Key, Lostmans River, Florida
Onset Beach, Onset Bay, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Orange (Old Navy Base), Texas
Orange Park Landing, Orange Park, Florida
Orca, Orca Inlet, Alaska
Orcas, Orcas Island, Washington
Oregon Inlet (USCG Station), North Carolina
Oregon Inlet Bridge, North Carolina
Oregon Inlet Channel, North Carolina
Oregon Inlet Marina, Pamlico Sound, North Carolina
Oregon Inlet, North Carolina
Orient, Shelter Island Sound, New York
Ormond Beach, Halifax River, Florida
Ortega River entrance, Florida
Orton Point, Cape Fear River, North Carolina
Orwood, Old River, San Joaquin River, California
Oslo, Indian River, Florida
Osteriff, Germany
Otis Cove, St. George River, Maine
Otkriti Bay, Agattu Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Otter Island, St. Helena Sound, South Carolina
Otter Point, Umnak Island, Alaska
Otterndorf, Germany
Oudeschild, Netherlands
Ouzinkie, Spruce Island, Alaska
Oxford, Tred Avon River, Maryland
Oyster Bay Harbor, Oyster Bay, New York
Oyster Creek, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Oyster Harbor, Virginia
Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California
Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California (sub)
Ozello North, Crystal Bay, Florida
Ozello North, Crystal Bay, Florida (sub)
Ozello, St. Martin's River, Florida
Ozello, St. Martin's River, Florida (sub)
Pablo Creek entrance, Florida
Pablo Creek, ICWW bridge, Florida
Pacific Mariculture Dock, Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California
Pacific Mariculture Dock, Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California (sub)
Packery Channel, Texas
Padre Island, Brazos Santiago Pass, Texas
Pago Bay, Guam
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Palatka, St. Johns River, Florida
Palatka, St. Johns River, Florida (sub)
Palix River, south fork, Willapa Bay, Washington
Palm Beach, Highway 704 bridge, Lake Worth, Florida
Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Florida
Palm Valley, ICWW, Florida
Palmetto Bluff, Florida
Palmyra Island
Palmyra, Pennsauken Creek, Route 73 bridge, New Jersey
Palo Alto Yacht Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California
Panacea, Dickerson Bay, Apalachee Bay, Florida
Panama City Beach (outside), St. Andrew Bay, Florida
Panama City Beach (outside), St. Andrew Bay, Florida (sub)
Panama City, St. Andrew Bay, Florida
Panama City, St. Andrew Bay, Florida (sub)
Papenburg, Germany
Paradise Point, Long Island, Willapa Bay, Washington
Paris Road Bridge (ICWW), Louisiana
Park Channel Bridge, Upper Sugarloaf Sound, Florida
Park Island, Tom Point Creek, North Edisto River, South Carolina
Park Turn, Rappahannock River, Virginia
Parker Island, Horlbeck Creek, Wando River, South Carolina
Parker Run, upper end, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Parker, St. Andrew Bay, Florida
Parris Island, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Beaufort River, South Carolina
Pascagoula NOAA Lab, Pascagoula River, Mississippi
Pascagoula Point, Mississippi Sound, Mississippi
Pascagoula Point, Mississippi Sound, Mississippi (sub)
Pass Christian Yacht Club, Mississippi Sound, Mississippi
Pass-a-Grille Beach, Boca Ciega Bay, Florida
Patchogue, Great South Bay, New York
Patos Island Wharf, Boundary Pass, Washington
Patricia Bay, British Columbia
Patrick Air Force Base, Florida
Patton Bay, Montague Island, Alaska
Paulsboro, Mantua Creek, New Jersey
Pavonia, Cooper River, RR. bridge, New Jersey
Pawleys Island Pier (ocean), South Carolina
Pawtucket, Seekonk River, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Pawtuxet, Pawtuxet Cove, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Pea Patch Island, Bulkhead Shoal Channel, Delaware River, Delaware
Peak Island, Casco Bay, Maine
Pearl Harbor Entrance, Bishop Point, Oahu Island, Hawaii
Pearl Harbor, Ford Island Ferry, Oahu Island, Hawaii
Pearlington, Pearl River, Mississippi
Peavine Pass, Washington
Peck Lake, ICWW, Florida
Pedricktown, Oldmans Creek, Delaware River, New Jersey
Peekskill, Hudson River, New York
Pelican Islands, Timbalier Bay, Louisiana
Pellworm, Niedrigwasseranleger, Germany
Pemaquid Harbor, Johns Bay, Maine
Pendola Point, Hillsborough Bay, Florida
Penikese Island, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Penny Creek, south of, Edisto River, South Edisto River, South Carolina
Pennys Creek, west entrance, Stono River, South Carolina
Penrose Avenue Bridge, Schuylkill River, Pennsylvania
Pensacola, Florida
Peoria Point, Doctors Lake, Florida
Pepperfish Keys, Florida
Perch Point, Montague Island, Alaska
Perenosa Bay, Alaska
Perky, Upper Sugarloaf Sound, Florida
Petaluma River entrance, San Pablo Bay, California
Pete Dahl Slough, Copper River Delta, Alaska
Peters Point, St. Pierre Creek, South Edisto River, South Carolina
Petersburg, Wrangell Narrows, Alaska
Peterson Bay, Sanak Islands, Alaska
Petten zuid, Netherlands
Peute, Germany
PGA Boulevard Bridge, ICWW, Florida
Philadelphia (USCG Station), Delaware River, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Municipal Pier 11, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Municipal Pier 11, Pennsylvania (sub)
Phippsburg, Kennebec River, Maine
Phoenix Park, Florida
Picnic Harbor, Rocky Bay, Alaska
Pierce Harbor, Goodyear Slough, Suisun Bay, California
Pig Point, Nansemond River, Virginia
Pigeon Key, north side, Florida Bay, Florida
Pigeon Key, south side, Hawk Channel, Florida
Pikmiktalik River entrance, Norton Sound, Alaska
Pilot Island, West Branch Boyds Creek, Broad River, South Carolina
Pilot Station, Southwest Pass, Louisiana
Pilots Station (east), Southwest Pass, Louisiana
Pimlico, West Branch, Cooper River, South Carolina
Pinckney Island, Mackay Creek, Chechessee River, South Carolina
Pine Harbor, Sapelo River, Georgia
Pine Island, Malapartis Creek, Mad Horse Creek, New Jersey
Pine Island, Ramshorn Creek, Cooper River, South Carolina
Pine Landing, South Edisto River, South Carolina
Pineland, Pine Island, Florida
Piney Point, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Piney Point, Florida
Piney Point, Potomac River, Maryland
Pinole Point, San Pablo Bay, California
Pirate Cove, Popof Island, Shumagin Islands, Alaska
Pitch Landing, Waccamaw River, South Carolina
Pittsburg, New York Slough, Suisun Bay, California
Placida, Gasparilla Sound, Florida
Plantation Key, Hawk Channel, Florida
Playa Cortada, Puerto Rico
Playa de Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Playa de Ponce, Puerto Rico
Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Pleasant Harbor, Washington
Pleasant Hill Landing, Santee River, South Carolina
Pleasantville, Lakes Bay, Great Egg Harbor Inlet, New Jersey
Plum Gut Harbor, Plum Island, Long Island, New York
Plum Island Sound (south end), Massachusetts
Plum Island, Merrimack River Entrance, Merrimack River, Massachusetts
Plumb Beach Channel, Jamaica Bay, New York
Plymouth, Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
Pogum, Germany
Point Adams, Oregon
Point Adolphus, Icy Strait, Alaska
Point Arena, California
Point Arguello, California
Point Atkinson, British Columbia
Point Au Fer, Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana
Point Barrow, Alaska
Point Barrow, Trinity Bay, Galveston Bay, Texas
Point Bonita, Bonita Cove, San Francisco Bay, California
Point Brown, Grays Harbor, Washington
Point Buckler, Suisun Bay, California
Point Charles, Key Largo, Florida
Point Chauncey, San Francisco Bay, California
Point Chevreuil, Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana
Point Elizabeth, Alaska
Point Grenville, Washington
Point Harrington, Alaska
Point Helen, Knight Island, Alaska
Point Isabel, San Francisco Bay, California
Point Judith, Harbor of Refuge, Rhode Island
Point Latouche, Yakutat Bay, Alaska
Point Lavinia, South Inian Pass, Cross Sound, Alaska
Point Lockwood, Woewodski Island, Wrangell Narrows, Alaska
Point Loma, California
Point Lookout, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Point Migley, Hale Passage, Washington
Point No Point, Passaic River, New Jersey
Point o' Woods, Great South Bay, New York
Point of Pines, Bayou Cumbest, Mississippi
Point of Pines, North Edisto River, South Carolina
Point Orient, San Francisco Bay, California
Point Partridge, Whidbey Island, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
Point Pinellas, Florida
Point San Bruno, San Francisco Bay, California
Point San Pedro, San Pablo Bay, California
Point San Quentin, San Francisco Bay, California
Point St. Albans, Alaska
Point Thatcher, Alaska
Point Vashon, Vashon Island, Puget Sound, Washington
Point Ybel, San Carlos Bay entrance, Florida
Pole Anchorage, Kosciusko Island, Alaska
Polk Inlet (south end), Kasaan Bay, Alaska
Pompeston Creek, New Jersey
Ponce De Leon Inlet South, Florida
Ponce De Leon Inlet South, Florida (sub)
Ponce Inlet, Halifax River, Florida
Pond Point, Bush River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Ponquoque Point, Shinnecock Bay, New York
Popokamute, Alaska
Poponesset Island, Poponesset Bay, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts
Porpoise Key, Big Spanish Channel, Florida
Port Alexander, Baranof Island, Alaska
Port Alexander, Baranof Island, Alaska (sub)
Port Alice, Heceta Island, Davidson Inlet, Alaska
Port Allen, Hanapepe Bay, Kauai Island, Hawaii
Port Allen, Hanapepe Bay, Kauai Island, Hawaii (sub)
Port Althorp, Cross Sound, Alaska
Port Althorp, Cross Sound, Alaska (sub)
Port Angeles, Strait Of Juan De Fuca, Washington
Port Angeles, Strait Of Juan De Fuca, Washington (sub)
Port Aransas (H. Caldwell Pier), Texas
Port Aransas (H. Caldwell Pier), Texas (sub)
Port Aransas, Texas
Port Audrey, Knight Island, Alaska
Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland
Port Banks, Whale Bay, Baranof Island, Alaska
Port Beauclerc, Kuiu Island, Alaska
Port Blakely, Puget Sound, Washington
Port Boca Grande, Charlotte Harbor, Florida
Port Bolivar, Galveston Bay, Texas
Port Bolivar, Galveston Bay, Texas (sub)
Port Camden, Kuiu Island, Keku Strait, Alaska
Port Chalmers, Montague Island, Alaska
Port Chatham, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Port Chicago, Suisun Bay, California
Port Clyde, St. George River, Maine
Port Conclusion, Baranof Island, Alaska
Port Deposit, Susquehanna River, Maryland
Port Eads, South Pass, Mississippi River, Louisiana
Port Elizabeth, Manumuskin River, Maurice River, New Jersey
Port Elizabeth, Newark Bay, New Jersey
Port Elizabeth, Newark Bay, New Jersey (sub)
Port Ellen, Islay, Western Scotland
Port Erin, Isle of Man
Port Etches, Hinchinbrook Island, Alaska
Port Everglades, Turning Basin, Florida
Port Fourchon, Belle Pass, Louisiana
Port Gamble, Washington
Port Graham, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Port Hardy, British Columbia
Port Heiden, Bristol Bay, Alaska
Port Hobron, Sitkalidak Island, Alaska
Port Houghton, Robert Islands, Alaska
Port Hueneme, California
Port Ingleside, Corpus Christi Bay, Texas
Port Isabel, Laguna Madre, Texas
Port Isabel, Laguna Madre, Texas (sub)
Port Ivory, Howland Hook, Arthur Kill, New York
Port Jefferson Harbor entrance, Long Island, New York
Port Jefferson, Long Island, New York
Port Jefferson, Puget Sound, Washington
Port Laudania, Dania cut-off Canal, Florida
Port Lavaca, Lavaca Causeway, Matagorda Bay, Texas
Port Ludlow, Washington
Port Madison, Puget Sound, Washington
Port Malmesbury, Kuiu Island, Alaska
Port Manatee, Tampa Bay, Florida
Port Manatee, Tampa Bay, Florida (sub)
Port McArthur, Kuiu Island, Alaska
Port Moller (entrance point), Bristol Bay, Alaska
Port Moller, Bristol Bay, Alaska
Port Morris (Stony Point), East River, New York
Port Newark Terminal, New Jersey
Port O'Connor, Matagorda Bay, Texas
Port of Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Florida
Port Orford, Pacific Ocean, Oregon
Port Orford, Pacific Ocean, Oregon (sub)
Port Protection, Prince of Wales Island., Alaska
Port Rhin, Mili Atoll, Marshall Islands
Port Royal Plantation, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Port Royal, Rappahannock River, Virginia
Port Saint Joe, St. Joseph Bay, Florida
Port Saint-Francois, Qu?bec
Port Salerno, Manatee Pocket, St. Lucie River, Florida
Port San Luis, Pacific Ocean, California
Port Santa Cruz, Suemez Island, Bucareli Bay, Alaska
Port Snettisham, Crib Point, Alaska
Port Snettisham, Point Styleman, Alaska
Port Tampa, Old Tampa Bay, Florida
Port Tampa, Old Tampa Bay, Florida (sub)
Port Tongass, Tongass Island, Dixon Entrance, Alaska
Port Townsend (Point Hudson), Admiralty Inlet, Washington
Port Townsend (Point Hudson), Admiralty Inlet, Washington (sub)
Port Walter, Baranof Island, Alaska
Port Washington, Manhasset Bay, Long Island, New York
Port Wentworth, Savannah River, Georgia
Port-Alfred, Qu?bec
Portage Bay, Kupreanof Island, Frederick Sound, Alaska
Portland Head Light, Casco Bay, Maine
Portland, Casco Bay, Maine
Portland, Morrison Street Bridge, Oregon
Portland, Willamette River, Oregon
Portneuf, Qu?bec
Portpatrick, Scotland
Portrush, Northern Ireland
Portsmouth, England
Portsmouth, Naval Shipyard, Elizabeth River, Virginia
Portsmouth, Naval Shipyard, Elizabeth River, Virginia (sub)
Portsmouth, Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire
Potrero Point, San Francisco Bay, California
Poughkeepsie, Hudson River, New York
Poulsbo, Liberty Bay, Puget Sound, Washington
Povorotni Island, Pogibshi Point, Alaska
Powooiliak Point, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
Presumpscot River Bridge, Casco Bay, Maine
Price Creek, North Capers Island, South Carolina
Prince Point, Casco Bay, Maine
Prince Rupert, British Columbia
Princes Bay, New Jersey
Princeton, Half Moon Bay, California
Prisoners Harbor, Santa Cruz Island, California
Prisoners Point, San Joaquin River, California
Prospect Harbor, Maine
Protection Point, Nushagak Bay, Alaska
Providence, State Pier no.1, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Providence, State Pier no.1, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island (sub)
Provincetown, Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
Prudence Island, (south end), Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Prudhoe Bay #2, Alaska
Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
Puale Bay, Alaska
Public Landing, Maryland
Puddledock Sand & Gravel, Appomattox River, Virginia
Puddledock Sand & Gravel, Appomattox River, Virginia (sub)
Puerto Ferro, Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico
Puerto Maunabo, Puerto Rico
Puerto Real, Puerto Rico
Pukoo Harbor, Molokai Island, Hawaii
Pulap Atoll
Pulpit Harbor, North Haven Island, Penobscot Bay, Maine
Pumpkin Bay, Florida
Pumpkin Key, Bow Channel, Florida
Pumpkin Key, south end, Card Sound, Florida
Punta Gorda, Charlotte Harbor, Florida
Punta Guayanilla, Puerto Rico
Punta Mulas, Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico
Punta Rassa, San Carlos Bay, Florida
Purrysburg Landing, Savannah River, South Carolina
Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut
Quantico, Potomac River, Virginia
Quatre Bayous Pass, Louisiana
Queen Charlotte City, British Columbia
Queen Isabella Causeway (east end), Texas
Queen Isabella Causeway (west end), Texas
Queensboro Bridge, East River, New York
Queenstown, Chester River, Maryland
Quicks Hole, North side, Massachusetts
Quilcene, Quilcene Bay, Dabob Bay, Washington
Quinby Creek bridge, East Branch, Cooper River, South Carolina
Quinton, Alloway Creek, New Jersey
Quivira Basin, Mission Bay, California
Quonset Point, Rhode Island
Rabbit Island, 5 miles south of, Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana
Raccoon Ditch, Newport Meadows, Stow Creek, Delaware River, New Jersey
Raccoon Key, east side, Florida
Raccoon Point, Caillou Bay, Louisiana
Racy Point, St. Johns River, Florida
Ragged Keys, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Ragged Point, Coles Neck, Potomac River, Virginia
Rahway River, RR. Bridge, Arthur Kill, New Jersey
Rainbow Bridge, Neches River, Texas
Ramrod Key, Newfound Harbor, Florida
Ramrod Key, Niles Channel Bridge, Florida
Rappahannock Bend, Virginia
Rappahannock Light, Virginia
Rasp Ledge, Seymour Canal, Alaska
Ratz Harbor, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska
Raven Bay, Unalaska Island, Alaska
Raymond, Willapa River, Willapa Bay, Washington
Reaves Point, Cape Fear River, North Carolina
Red Bank, Navesink River, Shrewsbury River, New Jersey
Red Bay Point, St. Johns River, Florida
Red Bay, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska
Red Bluff Bay, Alaska
Red Dog Dock, Alaska
Redfield Cove, Yakutat Bay, Alaska
Redfish Pass, Captiva Island (north end), Florida
Redfish Point, Manatee River, Florida
Redfox Bay, Shuyak Strait, Alaska
Redhook Bay, St. Thomas Island, Virgin Islands
Redwood City, Wharf 5, San Francisco Bay, California
Redwood City, Wharf 5, San Francisco Bay, California (sub)
Redwood Creek entrance (inside), San Francisco Bay, California
Redwood Creek Marker 8, San Francisco Bay, California
Redwood Creek Marker 8, San Francisco Bay, California (sub)
Reedsport, Umpqua River, Oregon
Reedy Point, C&D Canal, Delaware
Reef Point, Stikine Strait, Alaska
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
Reid Bay, Alaska
Reith?rne, Germany
Revel Island, Revel Creek, Virginia
Reynolds, Tomales Bay, California
Rhems, Black Mingo Creek, Black River, Great Pee Dee River, South Carolina
Rhode River (County Wharf), Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Richardson, Lopez Island, San Juan Channel, Washington
Richmond (river locks), James River, Virginia
Richmond Inner Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California
Richmond Plantation, East Branch, Cooper River, South Carolina
Richmond, Kennebec River, Maine
Ridgefield Park, Hackensack River, New Jersey
Riggins Ditch, 0.5 n.mi. above entrance, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Riggins Ditch, Heislerville, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Rimouski, Qu?bec
Rincon Island, Mussel Shoals, California
Rincon Point, Pier 22?, San Francisco Bay, California
Rincon Point, Pier 22?, San Francisco Bay, California (sub)
Rio Vista, Sacramento River, California
River Bend Marina, Great Egg Harbor River, New Jersey
Riverdale, Hudson River, New York
Riverdale, Hudson River, New York (sub)
Riverside, Merrimack River, Massachusetts
Riverside, Potomac River, Maryland
Riviera Beach, Manasquan River, New Jersey
Riviere-au-Renard, Qu?bec
Roane Point, York River, Virginia
Roanoke Sound Channel, North Carolina
Roaring Point, Nanticoke River, Maryland
Robbens?dsteert, Germany
Roberts Landing, 1.3 miles west of, San Francisco Bay, California
Robinhood, Sasanoa River, Sheepscot River, Maine
Roche Harbor, San Juan Island, Haro Strait, Washington
Rock Harbor, Key Largo, Florida
Rock Islands, Florida
Rockdedundy River (Daymark 185), Georgia
Rockland Key, Rockland Channel Bridge, Florida
Rockland, Penobscot River, Maine
Rockland, Penobscot River, Maine (sub)
Rockport, Aransas Bay, Texas
Rockport, Massachusetts
Rockville, Bohicket Creek, North Edisto River, South Carolina
Rocky Hill, Connecticut River, Connecticut
Rocky Point, Eld Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
Rocky Point, Multnomah Channel, Oregon
Rocky Point, Valdez Arm, Alaska
Rodanthe, Pamlico Sound, North Carolina
Rollover Pass, Texas
Romerly Marsh Creek, Georgia
Rongelap Island, Rongelap Atoll, Marshall Islands
Rongerik Atoll, Marshall Islands
Roompot binnen, Netherlands
Roompot buiten, Netherlands
Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico
Rosario, East Sound, Orcas Island, Washington
Rose Haven, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Rose Inlet, Tlevak Strait, Alaska
Roses Bluff, Bells River, Florida
Rossville, Arthur Kill, New York
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Round Hill Point, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Round Key, Florida
Round Point, Trinity Bay, Galveston Bay, Texas
Round Point, Trinity Bay, Galveston Bay, Texas (sub)
Rowayton, Fivemile River, Connecticut
RR. Bridge, Hall Island, Broad River, South Carolina
Rt. 170 bridge, New River, South Carolina
Rudee Heights, Lake Wesley, Virginia
Rudee Inlet entrance, Virginia
Rudyerd Bay, Alaska
Rumford, Seekonk River, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Rye Beach, New York
S.C.L. RR. bridge, Savannah River, Georgia
S?derh?ft, Germany
S?deroogsand, Germany
S?dfall, Fahrwasserkante, Germany
Sabine (offshore), Texas
Sabine Bank Lighthouse, Texas
Sabine Naches Canal, Port Arthur, Texas
Sabine Pass (jetty), Texas
Sabine Pass (north), Texas
Sabine Pass (north), Texas (sub)
Sachem Head, Connecticut
Sachuest, Flint Point, Sakonnet River, Rhode Island
Sacramento, Sacramento River, California
Saddlebunch Keys, Channel No. 3, Florida
Saddlebunch Keys, Channel No. 4, Florida
Saddlebunch Keys, Channel No. 5, Florida
Saddlebunch Keys, Similar Sound, Florida
Sadie Cove, Kachemak Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Safety Harbor, Old Tampa Bay, Florida
Sag Harbor, Shelter Island Sound, New York
Sagchudak Island, Atka Island, Alaska
Saginaw Bay, Kuiu Island, Frederick Sound, Alaska
Saint Helens, Columbia River, Oregon
Saint Helens, Oregon
Saint John, New Brunswick
Saint-Francois IO, Qu?bec
Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive, Qu?bec
Saipan Harbor, Saipan Island, Marianas
Sakie Bay, Dall Island, Alaska
Sakonnet, Sakonnet River, Rhode Island
Salem Canal entrance, Delaware River, New Jersey
Salem, Salem Harbor, Massachusetts
Salem, Salem River, New Jersey
Salisbury Point, Merrimack River, Massachusetts
Salisbury, Wicomico River, Maryland
Salmon Falls River, Piscataqua River, New Hampshire
Saltery Cove, Skowl Arm, Kasaan Bay, Alaska
Saltery Point, Tlevak Strait, Alaska
Samoa, Humboldt Bay, California
Sams Point, Lucy Point Creek, Coosaw River, South Carolina
San Clemente, California
San Diego, Quarantine Station, California
San Diego, San Diego Bay, California
San Francisco Bar, California
San Francisco, San Francisco Bay, California
San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site, Texas
San Juan, La Puntilla, San Juan Bay, Puerto Rico
San Leandro Channel, San Leandro Bay, San Francisco Bay, California
San Leandro Marina, San Francisco Bay, California
San Leandro Marina, San Francisco Bay, California (sub)
San Luis Pass, Texas
San Marino Island, Biscayne Bay, Florida
San Mateo Bridge (east end), San Francisco Bay, California
San Mateo Bridge (west end), San Francisco Bay, California
San Mateo Bridge (west end), San Francisco Bay, California (sub)
San Nicolas Island, California
San Simeon, California
Sanak Harbor, Sanak Islands, Alaska
Sanborn Harbor, Nagai Island, Shumagin Islands, Alaska
Sand Bay, Great Sitkin Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Sand Island, Midway Islands
Sand Key Lighthouse, Sand Key Channel, Florida
Sand Point, Popof Island, Alaska
Sand Shoal Inlet (Coast Guard Station), Virginia
Sandblasters, Pennys Creek, Stono River, South Carolina
Sandbridge, Virginia
Sands Key, northwest point, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Sandy Hook, New Jersey
Sandy Point, Lummi Bay, Washington
Sandy Point, Penobscot River, Maine
Sandy Point, Whidbey Island, Washington
Santa Ana River entrance (inside), California
Santa Barbara Island, California
Santa Barbara, Pacific Ocean, California
Santa Barbara, Pacific Ocean, California (sub)
Santa Cruz, Monterey Bay, California
Santa Cruz, Monterey Bay, California (sub)
Santa Monica, Municipal Pier, California
Santa Monica, Municipal Pier, California (sub)
Saquatucket Harbor, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts
Sarasota, Sarasota Bay, Florida
Sassafras River, Betterton, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Satawan Anchorage, Nomoi Islands
Saunders Wharf, Rappahannock River, Virginia
Sausalito, Corps of Engineers Dock, San Francisco Bay, California
Sausalito, San Francisco Bay, California
Savage I., Savage Creek, Bull Creek, South Carolina
Savannah (Bull Street), Georgia
Savannah Sheraton Resort Hotel, Wilmington River, Georgia
Sawmill Bay, Evans Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Sawpit Creek entrance, bridge, Florida
Sawpit Creek, 1 mi. above entrance, Florida
Sawyer Island, Tracy Arm, Alaska
Sawyer Key, inside, Cudjoe Channel, Florida
Sawyer Key, outside, Cudjoe Channel, Florida
Saxis, Starling Creek, Pocomoke Sound, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Saybrook Jetty, Connecticut River, Connecticut
Saybrook Point, Connecticut River, Connecticut
Sayreville, Raritan River, New Jersey
Scheveningen, Netherlands
Schiermonnikoog, Netherlands
Schillig, Germany
Schl?ttsiel, Germany
Schulau, Germany
Scituate, Scituate Harbor, Massachusetts
Scotch Cap, Unimak Island, Alaska
Scotland, James River, Virginia
Scotland, James River, Virginia (sub)
Scraggy Point, Alaska
Sea Bright, Shrewsbury River, New Jersey
Sea Grape Point, Elliott Key, Florida
Sea Level, Core Sound, North Carolina
Sea Otter Harbor, Dall Island, Alaska
Seabeck, Seabeck Bay, Washington
Seabrook, Ashepoo River, South Carolina
Seacamp Dock, Cumberland Island, Georgia
Seadrift, San Antonio Bay, Texas
Seal Bay, Alaska
Seal Cape, Coal Bay, Alaska
Seaplane Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California
Seapoint, Cutts Island, Maine
Seaside Heights, ocean, New Jersey
Seaside Park, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Seaside, 12th Avenue bridge, Necanicum River, Oregon
Seattle, Puget Sound, Washington
Seavey Island, Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire
Seavey Island, Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire (sub)
Sebastian Inlet bridge, Florida
Sebastian, Indian River, Florida
Seclusion Harbor, Kuiu Island, Keku Strait, Alaska
Security Bay, Kuiu Island, Alaska
Security Cove, Dall Island, Alaska
Sekiu, Clallam Bay, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
Selby, California
Seldovia, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Seminole Shores, Florida
Sept-Iles, Qu?bec
Sequim Bay entrance, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
Serguis Narrows, Alaska
Sesuit Harbor, East Dennis, Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
Settlement Point, Pavlof Bay, Alaska
Settlers Point, Oregon
Seven Island, Newmans Thorofare, Great Bay, New Jersey
Sewall Point, St. Lucie River, Florida
Seward, Resurrection Bay, Alaska
Seward, Resurrection Bay, Alaska (sub)
Sewells Point, Hampton Roads, Virginia
Shag Rock, Orca Inlet, Alaska
Shakan Bay Entrance, Alaska
Shakan Strait, Kosciusko Island, Alaska
Shalimar, Garnier Bayou, Choctawhatchee Bay, Florida
Shallotte Inlet (Bowen Point), North Carolina
Shark Key, southeast end, Similar Sound, Florida
Shark River entrance, Florida
Shark River Hills, Shark River, New Jersey
Shark River Island, fixed RR. bridge, Shark River, New Jersey
Sharkfin Shoal Light, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Sharptown, Nanticoke River, Maryland
Shaw Island, Ferry Terminal, Harney Channel, San Juan Channel, Washington
Shediac Bay, New Brunswick
Sheepscot (below rapids), Sheepscot River, Maine
Sheerness, England
Sheldon, Huspa Creek, Whale Branch, Coosaw River, South Carolina
Shell Beach, Lake Borgne, Louisiana
Shell Island, Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana
Shell Island, north end, Crystal River, Florida
Shell Island, north end, Crystal River, Florida (sub)
Shell Key Channel, Florida Bay, Florida
Shell Key, northwest side, Lignumvitae Basin, Florida
Shell Point, Florida
Shell Point, Harkers Island, North Carolina
Shell Point, Peace River, Charlotte Harbor, Florida
Shell Point, Walker Creek, Apalachee Bay, Florida
Shell Point, Walker Creek, Apalachee Bay, Florida (sub)
Shelltown, Pocomoke River, Maryland
Shelter Cove, California
Shelton, Housatonic River, Connecticut
Shelton, Oakland Bay, Puget Sound, Washington
Shem Creek, South Carolina
Sherwood Forest, Trout River, Florida
Shinnecock Bay entrance, Shinnecock Bay, New York
Shinnecock Inlet (ocean), Long Island, New York
Shinnecock Yacht Club, Penniman Creek, Shinnecock Bay, New York
Ship Harbor, Fidalgo Island, Washington
Ship Island, Mississippi Sound, Mississippi
Ship John Shoal, Delaware River, New Jersey
Ship Shoal Light, Louisiana
Shipyard Creek, 0.8 mile above entrance., South Carolina
Shishmaref Inlet 2, Alaska
Shoal Point, Kanaga Island, Alaska
Shoals Point, Kruzof Island, Alaska
Shoalwater Pass, Alaska
Shooting Thorofare, Little Egg Inlet, Great Bay, New Jersey
Shoppee Point, Englishman Bay, Maine
Shrimp Bay, Alaska
Sigsbee Park, Garrison Bight Channel, Florida
Silver Bay, Silver Bay Marina, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Silver Eel Pond, Fishers Island, New York
Silver Eel Pond, Fishers Island, New York (sub)
Simpson Creek, A1A highway bridge, Florida
Sinnickson Landing, Salem River, New Jersey
Sisters Creek, Florida
Sitka, Baronof Island, Sitka Sound, Alaska
Sitkinak Lagoon, Alaska
Skagway, Taiya Inlet, Lynn Canal, Alaska
Skagway, Taiya Inlet, Lynn Canal, Alaska (sub)
Skamokawa, Steamboat Slough, Columbia River, Washington
Skamokawa, Steamboat Slough, Washington
Skan Bay, Unalaska Island, Alaska
Skull Creek, north entrance, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Skull Creek, south entrance, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Sloop Creek, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Sluice Creek, Route 47 bridge, Dennis Creek, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Smeaton Bay (Wilson Arm), Alaska
Smith Creek, Flagler Beach, Florida
Smith Island (Coast Guard Station), Virginia
Smith Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Smith Island, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
Smith Point Bridge, Narrow Bay, Long Island, New York
Smith Slough, San Francisco Bay, California
Smith's Dock, Murrells Inlet, South Carolina
Smithfield, Pagan River, James River, Virginia
Smithville Road Bridge, Beaverdam Creek, Little Choptank River, Maryland
Smithville Road Bridge, Beaverdam Creek, Little Choptank River, Maryland (sub)
Smuggler Cove, Kahoolawe Island, Hawaii
Snag Point, Dillingham, Alaska
Snag Point, Nushagak Bay, Alaska
Snake Creek, Hwy. 1 bridge, Windley Key, Florida
Snake Creek, USCG Station, Plantation Key, Florida
Snake Island, Stono River, South Carolina
Sneeoosh Point, Washington
Sniffens Point, Housatonic River, Connecticut
Snipe Keys, Middle Narrows, Florida
Snipe Keys, Snipe Point, Florida
Snipe Keys, southeast end, Inner Narrows, Florida
Snodgrass Slough, Sacramento River, California
Snow Hill, Pocomoke River, Maryland
Snow Hill, Pocomoke River, Maryland (sub)
Snow Point, 0.4 mi. North of, Cooper River, South Carolina
Snug Corner Cove, Port Fidalgo, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Snug Harbor, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Snug Harbor, Knight Island, Alaska
Socastee Bridge, South Carolina
Soda Bay, Tlevak Strait, Alaska
Soldier Key, Florida
Solomons Island, Patuxent River, Maryland
Solomons Island, Patuxent River, Maryland (sub)
Sombrero Key, Hawk Channel, Florida
Sonoma Creek, San Pablo Bay, California
South Amboy, Raritan River, New Jersey
South Amboy, Raritan River, New Jersey (sub)
South Ashley Bridge, Ashley River, South Carolina
South Bay entrance, Texas
South Bay Wreck, San Francisco Bay, California
South Bay, Perry Island, Alaska
South Bend, Willapa River, Willapa Bay, Washington
South Bend, Willapa River, Willapa Bay, Washington (sub)
South Bight, Amchitka Island, Rat Islands, Alaska
South Delray Beach, ICWW, Florida
South Dewees Island, Dewees Inlet, South Carolina
South Fork, St. Lucie River, Florida
South Freeport, Casco Bay, Maine
South Harpswell, Potts Harbor, Casco Bay, Maine
South Hartford, Connecticut River, Connecticut
South Island Ferry, Intracoastal Waterway, South Carolina
South Island Plantation (C.G. Station), South Carolina
South Jamesport, Great Peconic Bay, New York
South Jamesport, Great Peconic Bay, New York (sub)
South Newport Cut, N. Newport River, Georgia
South Newport River (Daymark 135), Georgia
South Norwalk, Connecticut
South of Sam Worth Game Management Area, Great Pee Dee River, South Carolina
South Pass, Louisiana
South Pass, Sukkwan Strait, Tlevak Strait, Alaska
South Point, Marsh Island, Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana
South Point, Sinepuxent Neck, Maryland
South Port Everglades, ICWW, Florida
South San Francisco, San Francisco Bay, California
South Yarmouth, Bass River, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts
Southbeach, Yaquina Bay and River, Oregon
Southbeach, Yaquina Bay and River, Oregon (sub)
Southeast Farallon Island, California
Southeast Pass, Mississippi River, Louisiana
Southold, Shelter Island Sound, New York
Southport, Cape Fear River, North Carolina
Southport, Cape Fear River, North Carolina (sub)
Southport, Townsend Gut, Maine
Southwest Fork (spillway), Loxahatchee River, Florida
Southwest Fork, 0.5 mile above entrance, Loxahatchee River, Florida
Southwest Harbor, Mount Desert Island, Maine
Southwest Pass, Mississippi River, Louisiana
Southwest Pass, Vermilion Bay, Louisiana
Spiekeroog, Germany
Spooner Creek, North Carolina
Spring Warrior Creek, Florida
Springmaid Pier, Atlantic Ocean, South Carolina
Spruce Island (north side), Alaska
Spuyten Duyvil Creek Entrance, Hudson River, New York
Spuyten Duyvil Creek Entrance, Hudson River, New York (sub)
Squamscott River RR. Bridge, Piscataqua River, New Hampshire
Squibnocket Point, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
St. Augustine Beach, Atlantic Ocean, Florida
St. Augustine Beach, Atlantic Ocean, Florida (sub)
St. Augustine, city dock, Florida
St. Catherine Cove, Unimak Island, Alaska
St. George Island, 12th St. W (Bayside), St. George Sound, Florida
St. George Island, East End, St. George Sound, Florida
St. George Island, Rattlesnake Cove, St. George Sound, Florida
St. George Island, Sikes Cut, St. George Sound, Florida
St. George, Staten Island, New York
St. Georges, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware
St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands
St. James City, Pine Island, Florida
St. Johns, Newfoundland
St. Johns, Willamette River, Oregon
St. Lucie, Indian River, Florida
St. Marks lighthouse, Apalachee Bay, Florida
St. Marks, St. Marks River, Apalachee Bay, Florida
St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly, England
St. Marys Entrance, North Jetty, Georgia
St. Marys, St. Marys River, Florida
St. Matthew Island, Bering Sea, Alaska
St. Michael, Norton Sound, Alaska
St. Michaels, Miles River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
St. Michaels, San Domingo Creek, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
St. Petersburg, Tampa Bay, Florida
St. Simons Lighthouse, St. Simons Island, Georgia
St. Simons Lighthouse, St. Simons Island, Georgia (sub)
St. Simons Sound Bar, Georgia
St.John Harbor, Zarembo Island, Alaska
St?r - Sperrwerk, Au?enpegel, Germany
Stadersand, Germany
Stag Bay, Lisianski Strait and Inlet, Alaska
Stage Harbor, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts
Stamford, Connecticut
Stanwood, Stillaguamish River, Washington
State Road 312, Matanzas River, Florida
Stathems Neck, Stow Creek, Delaware River, New Jersey
Station Creek, County Landing, South Carolina
Station Creek, west end, South Carolina
Stavenisse, Netherlands
Steamboat Bay, Noyes Island, Gulf of Esquibel, Alaska
Steamboat Landing, Steamboat Creek, North Edisto River, South Carolina
Steamboat Slough, Snug Harbor Marina, Sacramento River, California
Steamer Bay, Etolin Island, Alaska
Steele Harbor Island, Maine
Steelmanville, Patcong Ck., 2.5 n.mi. above ent, Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey
Steenack, Germany
Steep Brook, Taunton River, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Steilacoom, Cormorant Passage, Puget Sound, Washington
Steinhatchee River ent., Deadman Bay, Florida
Stella, Washington
Steller Cove, Attu Island, Alaska
Stikine River Entr., Point Rothsay, Alaska
Stites Sound, Townsends Inlet, New Jersey
Stockton, San Joaquin River, California
Stone Harbor, Great Channel, Hereford Inlet, New Jersey
Stone Island, Machias Bay, Maine
Stonington, Deer Isle, Penobscot Bay, Maine
Stony Creek, Patapsco River, Maryland
Storey Island (north side), Alaska
Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland
Stouts Creek, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Stouts Pass At Six Mile Lake, Louisiana
Stratford, I-95 bridge, Housatonic River, Connecticut
Strathmere, Strathmere Bay, Corson Inlet, New Jersey
Strawberry Bay, Cypress Island, Washington
Stuart, St. Lucie River, Florida
Sturgeon Island, Merrymeeting Bay, Kennebec River, Maine
Sturgeon Point, James River, Virginia
Sugarloaf Key, east side, Tarpon Creek, Florida
Sugarloaf Key, north end, Bow Channel, Florida
Sugarloaf Key, northeast side, Bow Channel, Florida
Sugarloaf Key, Pirates Cove, Florida
Suisun City, Suisun Slough, Suisun Bay, California
Suisun Point, California
Suisun Slough entrance, Suisun Bay, California
Sullivans Island (outer coast), South Carolina
Sulzer, Hetta Inlet, Alaska
Summerhouse Point, Bull River, Coosaw River, South Carolina
Summerland Key, Niles Channel Bridge, Florida
Summerland Key, Niles Channel South, Florida
Summerland Key, southwest side, Kemp Channel, Florida
Summit Bridge, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaware
Sumner Island, Alaska
Sunbury, Medway River, Georgia
Sunny Isles, Biscayne Creek, Florida
Sunny Point Army Base, Wharf no.1, Cape Fear River, North Carolina
Sunny Point Army Base, Wharf no.3, Cape Fear River, North Carolina
Sunnybank, Little Wicomico River, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Sunrise, Turnagain Arm, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Sunset Beach Bridge, North Carolina
Sunset Beach Pier, Atlantic Ocean, North Carolina
Sunset Beach Pier, Atlantic Ocean, North Carolina (sub)
Sunset Beach, Whidbey Island, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
Surge Bay, Yakobi Island, outer coast, Alaska
Sutherlands Still, Dunns Creek, Florida
Sutwik Island, West End, Alaska
Suwannee River entrance, Florida
Suwannee, Salt Creek, Florida
Swain Channel, Taylor Sound, Cape May Inlet, New Jersey
Swanson Harbor, Icy Strait, Alaska
Sweeper Cove, Adak Island, Alaska
Sweetwater, Mullica River Marina, Mullica River, New Jersey
Swinomish Channel ent., Padilla Bay, Washington
Symonds Bay, Biorka Island, Sitka Sound, Alaska
Table Bay, Kuiu Island, Alaska
Tachikuga Bay, Nunivak Island, Bering Sea, Alaska
Tacoma Narrows Bridge, Puget Sound, Washington
Tacoma, Commencement Bay, Sitcum Waterway, Puget Sound, Washington
Tacoma, Commencement Bay, Sitcum Waterway, Puget Sound, Washington (sub)
Tacony-Palmyra Bridge, New Jersey
Taft, Siletz Bay, Oregon
Tah Bay, Alaska
Tahlequah, Neil Pt., Dalco Passage, Vashon I., Puget Sound, Washington
Taiyasanka Harbor, Taiya Inlet, Lynn Canal, Alaska
Takanis Bay, Yakobi Island, outer coast, Alaska
Takli Island, Shelikof Strait, Alaska
Takoma Cove, Port Dick, Alaska
Taku Harbor, Alaska
Taku Point, Taku Inlet, Alaska
Tall Pines Camp, Metedeconk River, New Jersey
Tamgas Harbor, Annette Island, Alaska
Tanaga Bay, Tanaga Island, Alaska
Tanapag Harbor, Saipan Island, Marianas
Tangier Island, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Tangier Island, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia (sub)
Taongi Atoll, Marshall Islands
Tappahannock, Rappahannock River, Virginia
Tarlatt Slough, Willapa Bay, Washington
Tarpon Creek, Upper Sugarloaf Sound, Florida
Tarpon Springs, Anclote River, Florida
Tarrytown, Hudson River, New York
Tatoosh Island, Cape Flattery, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
Tavernier Creek, Hwy. 1 bridge, Hawk Channel, Florida
Tavernier Harbor, Hawk Channel, Florida
Taylors Bridge, Blackbird Creek, Delaware River, Delaware
Taylors Island, Slaughter Creek, Little Choptank River, Maryland
Tchefuncta River, Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana
Teague Creek, Manokin River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Tebenkof Bay, Kuiu Island, Alaska
Tenakee Springs, Tenakee Inlet, Alaska
Tenants Harbor, Maine
Tequesta, Loxahatchee River, Florida
Tequesta, North Fork entrance, Loxahatchee River, Florida
Tequesta, North Fork, Loxahatchee River, Florida
Terborg, Me?stelle, Ems, Germany
Terminous, South Fork, Mokelumne River, California
Terneuzen, Netherlands
Terschelling Noordzee, Netherlands
Tertius, Germany
Tesoro Marine Term., Atchafalaya River, Louisiana
Teufelsbr?ck, Germany
Texaco Dock, Hackberry Bay, Louisiana
Texas City, Turning Basin, Galveston Bay, Texas
Texas State Aquarium, Corpus Christi, Texas
Texas Tower, Georges Shoal
Texel Noordzee, Netherlands
The Battery, New York Harbor, New York
The Brothers, Alaska
The Cove, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina
The Glen, Sakonnet River, Rhode Island
The Summit, Keku Strait, Alaska
Thomas Bay, Frederick Sound, Alaska
Thomas Landing, S. Newport River, Georgia
Thomas Point Shoal Light, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Thomaston, St. George River, Maine
Thoms Point, Zimovia Strait, Alaska
Thoms Point, Zimovia Strait, Alaska (sub)
Thorne Island, Whale Passage, Alaska
Thoroughfare Creek entrance, Waccamaw River, South Carolina
Three Arm Bay, Adak Island, Alaska
Three Saints Bay, Alaska
Three Star Point, Alaska
Threemile Cut entrance, Darien River, Georgia
Threemile Harbor entrance, Gardiners Bay, Long Island, New York
Threemile Slough entrance, San Joaquin River, California
Threemile Slough, Sacramento River, California
Throgs Neck, New York
Thunderbolt, Wilmington River, Georgia
Tide Point, Cypress Island, Washington
Tigalda Bay, Tigalda Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Tiger Point, Pumpkin Hill Creek, Nassau River, Florida
Tillamook, Hoquarten Slough, Tillamook Bay, Oregon
Timbalier Island, Timbalier Bay, Louisiana
Tin City, Bering Sea, Alaska
Tindalls Wharf, Cohansey River, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Tinian Island, Marianas
Tinicum National Wildlife Refuge, Darby Creek, Pennsylvania
Tinicum National Wildlife Refuge, Darby Creek, Pennsylvania (2)
Tivoli, Hudson River, New York
Tlevak Narrows, Tlevak Strait, Alaska
Tobermory, Island of Mull, Scotland
Tocoi, Florida
Todd Creek entrance, Satilla River, Georgia
Tofino, British Columbia
Toke Point, Willapa Bay, Washington
Tolchester Beach, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Tolchester Beach, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland (sub)
Toledo, Yaquina Bay and River, Oregon
Tomales Bay entrance, California
Toms Harbor Channel, Hwy. 1 bridge, Florida
Toms Harbor Cut, Florida
Toms River (town), Toms River, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Tongue Point, Astoria, Columbia River, Oregon
Tonki Bay, Alaska
Toogoodoo Creek, 2 mi. above entrance, North Edisto River, South Carolina
Totten Key, west side, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Town Point Wharf, Elk River, Maryland
Town Point, Nansemond River, Virginia
Townsend Sound, Townsends Inlet, New Jersey
Tracyton, Dyes Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
Traitors Cove (inside narrows), Alaska
Traitors Cove (lower section), Alaska
Travis Point, Coan River, Potomac River, Virginia
Trenton, New Jersey
Trident Bay, Akun Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Trident Pier, Port Canaveral, Florida
Trinidad Harbor, California
Triple ESS Marina, Bogue Sd., North Carolina
Trischen, West, Germany
Triton Head, Washington
Trois-Rivieres, Qu?bec
Tropical Homesites Landing, Pine Island, Florida
Troy, Hudson River, New York
Tubbs Inlet, North Carolina
Tuckahoe, Tuckahoe River, Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey
Tuckahoe, Tuckahoe River, Great Egg Harbor Bay, New Jersey (sub)
Tuckers Island, Homosassa River, Florida
Tuckers Island, Homosassa River, Florida (sub)
Tuckerton Creek entrance, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Tuckerton, Tuckerton Creek, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Tue Marshes Light, York River, Virginia
Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T.
Tulalip, Washington
Tulifiny River, I-95 bridge, Broad River, South Carolina
Turkey Creek, Bernard Bayou, Mississippi
Turkey Point, Apalachee Bay, St. James Island, Florida
Turkey Point, Apalachee Bay, St. James Island, Florida (sub)
Turkey Point, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Turn Point, Alaska
Turn Point, Stuart Island, Haro Strait, Washington
Turnbridge Landing, Salt Water Creek, South Carolina
Turner Bay, Similk Bay, Washington
Tutka Bay,Kachemak Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Tuxedni Channel, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Tuxekan Passage (north end), Davidson Inlet, Alaska
Tuxekan Passage (south end), Davidson Inlet, Alaska
Tuxekan, 0.5 mile south of, Davidson Inlet, Alaska
Twin Rivers Marina, Crystal River, Florida
Twin Rivers Marina, Crystal River, Florida (sub)
Twin Rivers, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
Two Arm Bay, Harris Bay, Alaska
Tybee Creek entrance, Georgia
Tybee Light, Savannah River, Georgia
Tylerville, Connecticut River, Connecticut
Tyndall Glacier, Icy Bay, Alaska
U.S. 17 Bridge, Combahee River, South Carolina
U.S. Highway 17 bridge, South Santee River, South Carolina
Udagak Strait, Unalaska Island, Alaska
Udamat Bay, Sedanka Island, Unalaska Island, Alaska
Ugak Bay (Saltery Cove), Alaska
Uganik Passage, Uganik Bay, Alaska
Ujae Atoll, Marshall Islands
Ukolnoi Island, Alaska
Ulak Island, Delarof Islands, Alaska
Ullapool, Scotland
Ulloa Island, Ulloa Channel, Alaska
Unalaska, Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Unalga Bight, Adak Island, Alaska
Unavikshak Island, Alaska
Uncatena Island (south side), Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Union Bay, Ernest Sound, Alaska
Union, Washington
Upper drawbridge, Petaluma River, San Pablo Bay, California
Upper Guadalupe Slough, San Francisco Bay, California
Upper Matecumbe Key, Hawk Channel, Florida
Upper Matecumbe Key, west end, Hawk Channel, Florida
Upper Northwestern Fiord, Harris Bay, Alaska
Upright Head, Lopez Island, Washington
Upshur Neck, south end, Virginia
Urbanna, Rappahannock River, Virginia
USCG Freeport, Texas
Ushagat Island, Barren Islands, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Usof Bay, Unalaska Island, Alaska
Uyak, Uyak Bay, Alaska
Uzkosti Point, Kupreanof Strait, Alaska
Vaca Key, Florida Bay, Florida
Vaca Key-Fat Deer Key bridge, Florida
Vaill Island, Casco Bay, Maine
Valdez, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Vallejo, Mare Island Strait, California
Vallenar Point, Alaska
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver, Columbia River, Washington
Vancouver, Washington
Vaughn, Case Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
Vegesack, Germany
Venice Inlet (inside), Florida
Ventnor City, ocean pier, New Jersey
Ventura, California
Vernon View, Burnside River, Georgia
Vero Beach (ocean), Florida
Vero Beach, Indian River, Florida
Victoria Harbour, British Columbia
Viekoda Bay, Alaska
Vienna, Nanticoke River, Maryland
Vienna, Nanticoke River, Maryland (sub)
Vieques Island, Puerto Rico
View Cove, Tlevak Strait, Alaska
Vilano Beach ICWW, Tolomato River, Florida
Vilano Beach ICWW, Tolomato River, Florida (sub)
Village Cove, St. Paul Island, Bering Sea, Alaska
Village Cove, St. Paul Island, Bering Sea, Alaska (sub)
Village Creek Cemetery, Morgan River, South Carolina
Village Creek Entrance, Morgan River, South Carolina
Village Islands, Uganik Bay, Alaska
Village Point, Lummi Island, Washington
Village Rock, Zimovia Strait, Alaska
Vinalhaven, Vinalhaven Island, Penobscot Bay, Maine
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Virginia Key, Bear Cut, Biscayne Bay, Florida
Virginia Key, Bear Cut, Biscayne Bay, Florida (sub)
Virginia pilot's dock, Lynnhaven Inlet, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Vlieland haven, Netherlands
Vlissingen, Netherlands
Voslapp, Germany
Waackaack Creek, New Jersey
Wabasso, Indian River, Florida
Wachapreague, Wachapreague Channel, Virginia
Wachapreague, Wachapreague Channel, Virginia (sub)
Wachesaw Landing, Waccamaw River, South Carolina
Wading River (town), Wading River, Mullica River, New Jersey
Waianae, Oahu Island, Hawaii
Waikane, Kaneohe Bay, Oahu Island, Hawaii
Waimanalo, Oahu Island, Hawaii
Waimea Bay, Kauai Island, Hawaii
Wake Island, Pacific Ocean
Wakema (Fraziers Ferry), Mattaponi River, Virginia
Walburg Creek entrance, Georgia
Waldoboro, Medomak River, Maine
Waldport, Alsea Bay, Oregon
Walkers Landing, Pickering Passage, Puget Sound, Washington
Wallabout Bay, Brooklyn Navy Yard, East River, New York
Wallops Island, Virginia
Walpole, Damariscotta River, Maine
Waltz Key, Waltz Key Basin, Florida
Wanamaker Bridge, Darby Creek, Pennsylvania
Wangerooge, Langes Riff, Germany
Wangerooge, West, Germany
Wappoo Creek, highway bridge, Ashley River, South Carolina
Ward Cove, Revillagigedo Channel, Alaska
Ward's Dock, Pawleys Inlet, South Carolina
Wards Island, Little Connection Slough, San Joaquin River, California
Warehouse Creek entrance, Alaska
Wares Wharf, Rappahannock River, Virginia
Wares Wharf, Rappahannock River, Virginia
Waretown, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
Warm Chuck Inlet, Tonowek Bay, Gulf of Esquibel, Alaska
Warrenton, Skipanon River, Oregon
Warrington, 2 miles south of, Pensacola Bay, Florida
Washington Naval Yard, Anacostia River, Washington, D.C.
Washington, Potomac River, D.C.
Wasque Point, Chappaquiddick Island, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
Watch Hill Point, Rhode Island
Water Key, west end, Big Spanish Channel, Florida
Water Keys, south end, Harbor Channel, Florida
Water Treatment Dock, Mayport Naval Station, St Johns River, Florida
Water Treatment Dock, Mayport Naval Station, St Johns River, Florida (sub)
Waterfall Cannery, Ulloa Channel, Alaska
Watson Pier, Boston Neck, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Watts Island, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Wauna, Carr Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
Wauna, Columbia River, Oregon
Wauna, Oregon
Waveland, Mississipi Sound, Mississippi
Waveland, Mississipi Sound, Mississippi (sub)
Wedderburn, Rogue River, Oregon
Wednesday Point, Key Largo, Card Sound, Florida
Weehawken, Union City, Hudson River, New Jersey
Weekapaug Point, Block Island Sound, Rhode Island
Weeks Bay, Vermilion Bay, Louisiana
Weeks Bay, Vermilion Bay, Louisiana
Weener, Germany
Weir Creek bridge, Dividing Creek, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
Welaka, St. Johns River, Florida
Welaka, St. Johns River, Florida (sub)
Wellfleet, Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
Wells, Webhannet River, Maine
Wells, Webhannet River, Maine (sub)
West Bahia Honda Key, Florida
West Bank 1, Bayou Gauche, Louisiana
West Bay Creek, West Bay, St. Andrew Bay, Florida
West Creek, 0.7 n.mi. above entrance, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
West Creek, Route 47 bridge, Delaware Bay, New Jersey
West Creek, Westecunk Creek, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey
West Fire Island, Great South Bay, New York
West Jamestown, Dutch Island Harbor, Conanicut Island, Rhode Island
West Palm Beach Canal, Lake Worth, Florida
West Pass, Apalachicola Bay, Florida
West Point Slough, San Francisco Bay, California
West Point, York River, Virginia
West Wildwood, Grassy Sound, Hereford Inlet, New Jersey
West-Terschelling, Netherlands
Westbrook, Duck Island Roads, Connecticut
Westecunk Creek entrance, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Westerland, Germany
Westerly, Pawcatuck River, Rhode Island
Westkapelle, Netherlands
Westport Harbor, Westport River, Massachusetts
Westport, California
Westport, Point Chehalis, Grays Harbor, Washington
Westport, Point Chehalis, Grays Harbor, Washington (sub)
Westville, Rt. 47 bridge, Big Timber Creek, New Jersey
Wetappo Creek, East Bay, St. Andrew Bay, Florida
Weymouth Fore River Bridge, Massachusetts
Weymouth Plantation, Great Pee Dee River, South Carolina
Weymouth, England
Whale Branch entrance, Coosaw River, South Carolina
Whale Harbor Channel, Hwy. 1 bridge, Windley Key, Florida
Whale Harbor, Windley Key, Hawk Channel, Florida
Wharf Creek entrance, Bulls Bay, South Carolina
Whiskey Creek, north end, Florida
Whiskey Creek, south entrance, ICWW, Florida
Whitby, England
White Point Bay, Texas
Whitehaven, Wicomico River, Maryland
Whitestone Narrows, Neva Strait, Alaska
Whitestone, East River, New York
Whitewater Bay, Admiralty Island, Alaska
Whitewater Bay, Florida
Whitney Point, Dabob Bay, Washington
Whittier, Passage Canal, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Wick, Scotland
Wickford, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Wierumergronden, Netherlands
Wiggins Pass, Cocohatchee River, Florida
Wiggins, Chehaw River, Combahee River, South Carolina
Wildwood Crest, ocean pier, New Jersey
Wildwood Crest, Sunset Lake, Cape May Inlet, New Jersey
Wilhelmshaven, Alter Vorhafen, Germany
Willcox Wharf, Charles City, James River, Virginia
Willets Point, Little Bay, East River, New York
Willets Point, Little Bay, East River, New York (sub)
William Henry Bay, Lynn Canal, Alaska
Williamsburg Bridge, East River, New York
Willoughby Island, Glacier Bay, Alaska
Willtown Bluff, Edisto River, South Edisto River, South Carolina
Wilmington Beach, North Carolina
Wilmington Marine Terminal, Christina River, Delaware
Wilmington, North Carolina
Wilson Cove, Middle Bay, Casco Bay, Maine
Wilson Cove, San Clemente Island, California
Winant, Yaquina Bay and River, Oregon
Windfall Harbor, Seymour Canal, Alaska
Windham Bay, Alaska
Windmill Point Light, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Windmill Point, Rappahannock River, Virginia
Windmill Point, Rappahannock River, Virginia (sub)
Windsor Plantation, Black River, Great Pee Dee River, South Carolina
Windsor Plantation, Russel Creek, North Edisto River, South Carolina
Windy Bay, Hawkins Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Wine Island, Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana
Winea Plantation, Black River, Great Pee Dee River, South Carolina
Wingham Island, Controller Bay, Alaska
Wingo, Sonoma Creek, San Pablo Bay, California
Winter Harbor, British Columbia
Winter Harbor, Frenchman Bay, Maine
Winterport, Penobscot River, Maine
Winyah Bay Entrance (South Jetty), South Carolina
Wiscasset, Sheepscot River, Maine
Wishart Point, Bogues Bay, Virginia
Withlacoochee River entrance, Florida
Wolf Island, south end, Georgia
Wolf River, Henderson Avenue bridge, Mississippi
Wolf Trap Light, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Wood Islands, Nova Scotia
Woodbridge Creek, 0.8 n.mi. above entrance, Arthur Kill, New Jersey
Woodbury Creek, New Jersey
Wooded Islands, Montague Island, Alaska
Wooded Islands, Montague Island, Alaska (sub)
Woodland Beach, Delaware River, Delaware
Woodmere, Brosewere Bay, Hempstead Bay, New York
Woods Hole, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Woodville, Wando River, South Carolina
Woolford, Church Creek, Little Choptank River, Maryland
Workington, England
Worton Creek entrance, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Wotje Atoll, Marshall Islands
Wrangell, Wrangell Island, Alaska
Wright Island Landing, Chickahominy River, Virginia
Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina
Wychmere Harbor, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts
Yacht Harbor, Cowpens Anchorage, Plantation Key, Florida
Yakutat, Yakutat Bay, Alaska
Yakutat, Yakutat Bay, Alaska (sub)
Yale boathouse, Thames River, Connecticut
Yamato, ICWW, Florida
Yaquina, Yaquina Bay and River, Oregon
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
Yauhannah Bridge, Great Pee Dee River, South Carolina
Yaupon Beach, North Carolina
Yeamans Hall, Goose Creek, Cooper River, South Carolina
Yerba Buena Island, San Francisco Bay, California
Yes, Yes Bay, Alaska
Yokeko Point, Deception Pass, Washington
Yoman Point, Anderson Island, Balch Passage, Puget Sound, Washington
Yonges Island, Wadmalaw River, South Carolina
York Harbor, Maine
Yorktown USCG Training Center, York River, Virginia
Yorktown USCG Training Center, York River, Virginia (sub)
Young Bay, Alaska
Zachar Bay, Uyak Bay, Alaska
Zachary Bay, Unga Island, Shumagin Islands, Alaska
Zapadni Bay, St. George Island, Bering Sea, Alaska
Zeal Point, Neva Strait, Alaska
Zehnerloch, Germany
Zekes Island, Cape Fear River, North Carolina
Zelatched Point, Dabob Bay, Washington
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